Hi Alan,

On Wed, 02, Dec, 2015 at 11:46:40AM +0000, Alan Brown spoke thus..
>    You should also consider doing the following in bacula-sd tape drive
>    stanzas
>      Maximum File Size = 16G
>      Maximum Network Buffer Size = 262144
>      Maximum block size = 2M

Have you experienced any issues with that block size? We're using LTO5
and will be moving to LTO6 in the next few weeks but we're still using a
256k block size based on this (possibly outdated) advice from Kern:


I would be interested to hear what block sizes other LTO5/6 users are

>    These are local-specific (my spool has up to 20 jobs feeding into 280GB of
>    available space) and if you have more space/fewer jobs I'd consider
>    bumping the Job spool size anything up to 100GB
>      Maximum Spool Size     = 120G
>      Maximum Job Spool Size = 30G

What's the advantage of the maximum job spool size setting? We're not
using any spooling at the moment so I'm interesting in what parameters
would be best for our setup. (if any..)

Thanks, Paul.

Paul Elliott, UNIX Systems Administrator
York Neuroimaging Centre (YNiC), University of York

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