On Monday 2017-01-09 09:56:54 Lloyd Brown wrote:
> On 01/09/2017 09:46 AM, Josip Deanovic wrote:
> > Hi!
> > Maybe you could make use of Verify jobs in case you are restoring the
> > most recent backup and you have fairly recent Verification job run.
> I considered a Verify job.  I haven't done them much, but the trouble is
> that my boss wants a full end-to-end restore test, not just verifying
> what's in the catalog.  So, when the description says "In general,
> *verify* jobs permit you to compare the contents of the catalog to the
> file system, or to what was backed up", I didn't dig much further.
> Of course, there could certainly be a less-obvious way to apply verify
> jobs, that I'm not thinking of now.  I'll dig into it further.

There are several aspects of performing job verification.
The one I would find interesting in your case is the ability to
compare the md5sum of a file on the disk with a value of a md5sum
stored in the catalog.

Anyway it could prove to be hard to achieve because it would require
additional modifications of the bacula configuration (special file set).

So your original question was about running an external script from
the restore job.

I have never needed it but I have tested few minutes ago and I can
confirm that it works as expected.
In my test I have configured a restore job and added a line such as this:
ClientRunAfterJob  = "/etc/bacula/scripts/bla"

It will run on the client after the restore job.

If you are restoring just some subdirectory and not the whole system,
the idea to use the job verification if the job and the file set are 
configured correctly should still be doable.

This approach would make it possible to check your files and get the
report about the missing or modified files sent to your e-mail but
it depends on your particular needs.

The idea with the ClientRunAfterJob will work but you will still need
to get the checksums from the database and compare them with your
file list.

Josip Deanovic

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