> On Sep 8, 2017, at 10:39 AM, Dan Langille <d...@langille.org> wrote:
>> On Sep 7, 2017, at 11:45 PM, Phil Stracchino <ph...@caerllewys.net 
>> <mailto:ph...@caerllewys.net>> wrote:
>> On 09/07/17 22:04, Dan Langille wrote:
>>> I have recently moved to one Storage device per pool.
>>> Why?
>>> So each pool is on a different ZFS dataset.
>> I'm curious.  What do you see as the advantage of this layout?
> Background: I'm using ZFS on FreeBSD.  I like keeping application specific 
> data
> in its own ZFS dataset. It allows for an easy snapshot and backup solution.
> Storage space was the original motivation. One zpool was at 80%,
> the other is now at about 44%. I wanted to move some data from one zpool
> to another.
> When moving to another pool, the mount point changes, which meant creating
> a new Storage device pointing at that mount point.
> After moving the first Pool I figured: well, if it's this easy, why not do it 
> for each Bacula Pool?
> Back to your question: A similar question was asked on Google+: 
>     https://plus.google.com/+DanLangille/posts/K2zfNo1ii22 
> <https://plus.google.com/+DanLangille/posts/K2zfNo1ii22>
> ZFS can certainly and easily handle many files in the same directory. That 
> wasn't
> a basis for change.
> My answer from there (with slight edits) appears below:
> ###
> If the Pool is no longer required, it is easy to delete. Dividing data up 
> this way
> it's always a good idea, because of the flexibility for future manipulation 
> it provides. 
> If these were all on separate devices, you'd get better concurrent throughput.
> Full backups are usually bigger, incremental backups are usually smaller, so 
> you 
> could just recordsize accordingly.
> If you assigned each client to a different pool, deleting their backups when 
> the
> client leaves is now a simple matter of deleting the appropriate ZFS datasets.
> If you want to move a pool to a different bacula-sd, you move that data set.
> ###
> The above was typed very early in my day and I wasn't quite awake.
> Perhaps the highlights are:
> - keep like data in like datasets
> - more datasets gives more flexibility
> - because I can (I was at vBSDCon and had the time to do this)
> Ideas? Suggestions?

Over a discussion last night at dinner, we came up with two additional benefits:

* snapshot retention - If you want a different snap shot retention policy
  for different types of backups, having each pool on a different ZFS dataset 
allows this.

* zfs replication - if you want to replicate some, but not all of your backups, 
having only that
  data on a separate ZFS dataset allows for this.

Dan Langille - BSDCan / PGCon

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