Hi Andrea and others,

I'm just a beginner in Bacula but I'm talking as who manager 4 QNAP NAS (1x
TS-859U+, 3x TS-459U+) and others 2 similar storage like these in the last
6 years. So, if you let me give a humble opinion, configure only a NFS
access and share this in your director/storage daemon and disable all the
services and apps you will not use.

The reasons are:
1st - It is the most simple protocol to configure and use in Linux Machine;
2nd - ISCSI is a most but, in this storage, when you create a LUN in fact
it creates some big files mounted as loop devices, so, any problem in your
machine means double problem to restore data, reduced performance of the
box (compared with NFS it the same machine) and after some days (maybe
months) of use this files will increase till the limit of storage and you
start to receive alerts of disk-full
4th - As said, you have to maintain the same version of SD and DIR. Compile
or look for packages for Linux is easier than to a proprietary NAS.

Of course, it is based in my experience with these machines, and can not
reflect the reality of your case.


Em sex, 12 de out de 2018 às 09:52, Andrea Venturoli <m...@netfence.it>

> Hello.
> I know this question (more or less) came up several times in the past,
> but possibly things have changed a lot.
> Is there any way I could install bacula storage daemon on the NAS in
> subject?
> There seems to be no QPKG available.
> IPKG apparently disappeared.
> I tried compiling it directly on the NAS, but there's no tools.
> Is cross compiling the only way? Any tutorial then?
> Of course I could use NFS, but I'd *REALLY* like to avoid it.
>   bye & Thanks
>         av.
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Linux User #253605

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