I found another person with the very same symptoms and they resolved the problem by changing out the SAS host adapter....

I Note that both my bacula-dir and my bacula-sd conf files have a Storage section, with a Device section only in bacula-sd.

Is this correct or should the Storage and Device be in one or the other confs? If they or one or the other sections should be in both confs, should they be identical???


On 1/10/19 6:50 PM, Adam Nielsen wrote:
As mentioned earlier, the command

./mtx-changer /dev/sg3 load 1 /dev/st0 0

actually put the desired tape into the drive, however

./mtx-changer /dev/sg3 unload 1 /dev/st0 0

returns the following error message

This to me looks like the mtx-changer script is not able to talk to
your autochanger properly.  I had to modify the script to work with my
autochanger, and this is appears to be by design (the mtx-changer
script supplied is a default that you are meant to customise for your
hardware) so I guess modifying this script is the next step.

If the script was present and working with your old Bacula set up, that
might be a good place to start looking to see what has changed.

̣root@LTOMag scripts]# ./mtx-changer /dev/sg3 unload 1 /dev/st0 0
Unloading drive 0 into Storage Element 1...
mtx: Request Sense: Sense Key=Illegal Request
MOVE MEDIUM from Element Address 256 to 4096 Failed

I don't know much about low level autochanger commands, but it seems
odd that telling the autochanger to put the tape in slot 1 results in a
command asking it to put the tape in "element 4096", which the
autochanger says is an illegal request.  Maybe that's normal but it
seems a bit weird.

I would start by modifying mtx-changer to output the commands it's
trying to run, and then running those commands manually, tweaking them
until you figure out how they are supposed to work, and then applying
those changes back to mtx-changer.

This is assuming nobody else has posted a working mtx-changer script
for your autochanger already of course!

I split my bacula-dir into components so here are the relevant ones

Everything else here looks like it should be fine.  Once you get
mtx-changer working properly I think everything else should be fine.


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