On 28.02.19 17:17, Hodges wrote:

> When I try to start bacula in systemd I get a 'failed' message saying
> unit bacula-director.service is masked
> Does this matter - I guess so. What to do about it? I have just
> installed bacula 9.4.2 from the debian repository into Debian 10 and am
> trying to get it working again

This is definitely not normal. But you provide not enough information to
further pin-point the problem.

I know for certain that the Bacula 9.4.2 packages in Debian Sid/Testing
work out of the box, because a) I helped create them and b) I just
tested a fresh install today.

It would be interesting to know *exactly* what you did to end up in this
situation, because a package doesn't just get masked by itself.

Also since this is most likely a Debian-specific problem, it would be
better to move this discussion over to
https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/ to not overly annoy the Bacula
community with Debian talk.


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