Since you're backing up *some* data, this doesn't seem like a firewall

I would check the client's syslog, first. See if the fd is crashing, or if
you're getting I/O errors that are stalling the transfer. Sometimes a bad
disk will only show up during backups, if the bad sectors are in an area
that's rarely accessed.

Since this is a server, power management is probably not an issue, but this
*is* what I'd expect to see if a client went into sleep mode during a
backup. Happens a lot with desktop systems.

On Wed, May 29, 2019 at 8:11 AM Gestió Servidors <>

> Hello,
> a backup job from a server is failing continuosly. From bacula console, I
> have reconfigured debug with "setdebug level=99 trace=1 client=my_server"
> but job is not returning more info... so I don't know why is failing. I
> have rerun four times and, always, after writing 80 GB, job fails with
> message:
> 2019-05-29 11:16:20baculaserver JobId 44381: Fatal error: Network error with 
> FD during Backup: ERR=Connection timed out
> 2019-05-29 11:16:20baculaserver JobId 44381: Error: bsock.c:577 Read error 
> from client:my_server_IP_address:9103: ERR=No data available
> 2019-05-29 11:16:20baculaserver JobId 44381: Elapsed time=02:11:15, Transfer 
> rate=11.06 M Bytes/second
> 2019-05-29 11:16:20baculaserver JobId 44381: Fatal error: No Job status 
> returned from FD.
> I have not set any limit in configuration as "Maximum Volume Bytes"... so
> I don't understand anything.
> I would like to know how debug this job.
> Could anyone help me?
> Thanks.
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David Brodbeck
System Administrator, Department of Mathematics
University of California, Santa Barbara
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