Hello Phil,

It indicates less than 24 hours of function because I had to leave it to access 
SSH. The RAM was too high and I had no access to anything ... I do not have 
Plesk or Cpanel on the server. Only what is needed to run Bacula. I left a 
single backup and the memory went up to 96% ...

Jean Mark Orfali • Sys admin
T. 1-877-258-4542  P. 227

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-----Message d'origine-----
De : Phil Stracchino <ph...@caerllewys.net> 
Envoyé : Monday, 27 January, 2020 6:27 PM
À : Jean Mark Orfali <jmorf...@bravad.ca>; bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Objet : Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula and memory usage

On 2020-01-27 15:34, Jean Mark Orfali wrote:
> Hello Phil,
>       Her is the result : 

OK, there's good news and bad news here.

The good news is, your Bacula DB is, so far, so tiny that you're getting by 
just fine with out-of-the-box MariaDB default settings.  In fact, it's smaller 
than it *SHOULD* be if you're backing up 6TB of data.

The bad news is, you said your backups have been running for five days, but 
mysqltuner says mariadb has been up less than 24 hours.

There's two obvious possibilities here.

1:  mariadb keeps crashing.  If this is the case, you need to find out why.

2:  something keeps restarting mariadb.  You're not running Plesk, are you...?

Check your MariaDB error log and syslog.  If you're saying that system memory 
usage is constantly high, what MAY be happening here is that your system is 
running out of memory and the kernel is killing mysqld because it sees it as 
the largest single consumer of memory.  (Though with only a 128.0MB InnoDB 
buffer pool I would find that surprising.)  What ELSE runs on your Bacula 
server?  Are you running a webserver on it as well?
 Do you have resource limits set on the webserver to stop it from spawning 
httpd processes until it consumes all free memory?  (A common

Whatever the reason, if the running mysqld process goes away while the Director 
is trying to read from or write to it, Bacula is going to have a problem.  If 
MariaDB *really is* being constantly restarted before any jobs can finish, then 
that's a large part of why your jobs can't finish, and you need to solve that 
problem before you can get anywhere further.

  Phil Stracchino
  Babylon Communications
  Landline: +1.603.293.8485
  Mobile:   +1.603.998.6958

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