On 2020-01-28 10:08, Jean Mark Orfali wrote:
> Hello Phil and Thomas, 
> Here is the result of the bconsol.
> Select daemon type for status (1-5): 5
> bacula-dir Version: 7.0.5 (28 July 2014) x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu redhat 
> Enterprise release
> Daemon started 27-Jan-20 14:53. Jobs: run=0, running=5 mode=0,0
>  Heap: heap=270,336 smbytes=652,990 max_bytes=737,558 bufs=557 max_bufs=563
> Scheduled Jobs:
> Level          Type     Pri  Scheduled          Job Name           Volume
> ===================================================================================
> Incremental    Backup    10  28-Jan-20 23:00    BackOVH            *unknown*
> Incremental    Backup    10  28-Jan-20 23:00    BackphppROD        *unknown*
> Incremental    Backup    10  28-Jan-20 23:00    BackServeurFichier *unknown*
> Incremental    Backup    10  28-Jan-20 23:00    BackBlanchard      *unknown*
> ====
> Running Jobs:
> Console connected at 27-Jan-20 15:36
> Console connected at 28-Jan-20 10:01
>  JobId  Type Level     Files     Bytes  Name              Status
> ======================================================================
>     75  Back Full          0         0  BackphppROD       is running
>     76  Back Incr          0         0  BackOVH           is waiting on 
> Storage "File1"
>     77  Back Full          0         0  BackphppROD       is waiting on max 
> Client jobs
>     78  Back Full          0         0  BackServeurFichier is waiting on 
> Storage "File1"
>     79  Back Full          0         0  BackBlanchard     is waiting on 
> Storage "File1"
> ====

OK, this looks pretty clear that something is not working as intended in
your Storage configuration.  You have a full backup running on
BackphppROD, and your Storage is configured such that nothing else can
write while that job is running.  What's more, you have a second job
waiting on BackphppROD that can't run.

Now we have some idea where to look.  For one thing, you should probably
be using the following directives in your Director configuration:

Allow Duplicate Jobs = no
Cancel Queued Duplicates = yes

What this does is tell the Director not to queue or run any new job on a
client while another copy of that job, at the same or different level,
is already running.  This will prevent the situation above where you
have a Full backup job BackphppROD running, and another Full backup copy
(probably promoted from Incremental) queued to run as soon as it finishes.

Now on  to your Storage configuration.  Let's see...

What it looks like to me is that your fundamental problem here is that
you have each client assigned its own POOL, with its own set of Volumes,
but you only have one Storage device, which can only have one Volume
open at a time.  This means that EVERY job will block on ANY other
running job because your Storage can only service one client at a time
since your Clients each have their own unique Pools.

(I see you've set up the virtual autochanger, but I don't use that and
have no experience with it, so I can't speak about it.)

Do you have an OPERATIONAL NEED to keep the backup data from different
Clients separated on different Volumes?

  Phil Stracchino
  Babylon Communications
  Landline: +1.603.293.8485
  Mobile:   +1.603.998.6958

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