On Monday 2021-02-15 18:47:35 Martin Simmons wrote:
> >>>>> On Mon, 15 Feb 2021 09:56:33 +0100, Uwe Schuerkamp said:
> > Hi folks,
> > 
> > during a largish backup job (3,8TB windows fileserver, about 5m files
> > & directories) I'm seeing this error when the attributes are being
> > despooled once the job completes:
> > 
> > Fatal error: catreq.c:762 fread attr spool error. Wanted 1969368434
> > bytes, maximum permitted 10000000 bytes
> How large is the attribute spool file?
> This could be a bug.
> Is it repeatable?  If so, does it repeat with this same number
> (1969368434)?
> __Martin

I don't know why some of my e-mails don't reach the e-mail list.
I wrote today that the size of 10000000 is hardcoded i nthe source
of catreq.c.


Josip Deanovic

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