>>>>> On Thu, 1 Sep 2022 09:38:08 +0200, Uwe Schuerkamp said:
> I've now used the bacula provided scripts to create the database,
> tables and grants and have reloaded the catalog using this gploader
> file:
> FROM mysql://bacula:vampyre2020k@localhost/bacula
> INTO postgresql://bacula:vampyre2020k@localhost/bacula ;
> I didn't see any errors during the import and postgres-bacula (hehe
> :-)) starts up fine. When I issue a "stat dir" in bconsole I'm seeing
> the mangled volume names again though:
> cheduled Jobs:
> Level          Type     Pri  Scheduled          Job Name           Volume
> ===================================================================================
> Incremental    Backup    10  01-Sep-22 10:45    zif                
> \x7a69662d696e63722d30303139
> ====
> The funny thing is that while the "job" name above looks fine, they're
> mangled too when I do a "list jobs", same goes for the pool, media and
> other objects that can be inspected using the "list" command. 

The difference in mangling is because the job name in the output above comes
from the bacula-dir.conf, but the volume name and and output of list jobs
comes from the catalog.

The volume name above is "zif-incr-0019" if you decode the hex, so it looks
like you need to add some translation from the various BLOB types to text in
the pgloader configuration if that is possible.  By default, pgloader converts
the BLOB types to binary.


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