On 6/5/23 10:46, Bill Arlofski via Bacula-users wrote:
On 6/2/23 08:59, Phil Stracchino wrote:
Based on personal experience, after reloading I also recommend
restarting the Director when opportunity presents itself.  (i.e when
there are no running jobs).  I have found in the past that after
multiple reloads, stability deteriorates.  It SHOULDN'T, in theory, but
nevertheless sometimes it does.

Hello Phil,

For the record, and for completeness, do you think you can describe some of the 
things that seem to become unstable?

I am asking out of curiosity because I don't believe I have seen this, and who 
knows, maybe I have and just didn't make the
correlation and your experiences might turn on a light bulb. :)

Bill, I would if I could, but I haven't run into it in a long time because (a) I have an established practice of restarting the Director when feasible after significant configuration changes (which does not include Filesets, Schedules, new Clients etc), and (b) it's been a long time since I've needed to make any significant configuration changes. But I do recall that when I was developing and tuning my configuration, especially things like tweaking tape storage devices, spooling etc, if I applied too many changes via reloads without a restart in between, the Director would become unresponsive.

Unfortunately I can't really recall any more detail than that.

  Phil Stracchino
  Babylon Communications
  Landline: +1.603.293.8485
  Mobile:   +1.603.998.6958

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