On 1/10/24 04:19, Chris Wilkinson wrote:
I have been attempting to extract the physical full path for a Volume with an 
SQL query.

'SELECT * FROM location;'

The docs indicate that the location table would give me that information but when I look in the content of that table it seems to be empty. The query returns no data.

Is that table not used anymore and where is it now?


-Chris Wilkinson

Re-replying to the list this time... :)

Hello Chris,

The disk path to a volume is not stored in the catalog.

If there is a `location` column in the catalog I think that is a spill over from Enterprise where you set locations of Volumes that go offsite, like "Iron Mountain" or "Las Vegas media Vault" or where ever you send your tapes.

To find out where your file volumes are, look to your bacula-sd.conf and find 
the device(s).

The Device{} resource(s) will have an `ArchiveDevice = /path/to/volumes` 

Hope this

Bill Arlofski

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