Hello Chris,

I am replying back to the list to keep thread continuity. :)

On 1/10/24 08:31, Chris Wilkinson wrote:
ThanksĀ Bill

What i was trying to do was write a script to determine the disk space used by each pool = sum of all volumes. Looks like i would have to trace out the path from pool->storage->device from the conf files. More complicated than i imagined.

Perhaps a better option would be to use bconsole 'query 11' to get the volume 

The easiest way to do this is to echo commands to bconsole and grep/sed/awk 
what you need:

It's not pretty, and you could do so much more (and easier) with Python, but:

# Get the pools to iterate through
pools=$(echo -e "list pools\nquit\n" | bconsole | grep "^| \+[0-9]" | awk 
'{print $4}')

# For each pool, we can just add the bytes.
for pool in ${pools}; do
  echo -n "Pool: ${pool} - Bytes: "
  echo -e "gui on\nlist media pool=${pool}\nquit\n" | bconsole | grep "^| 
\+[0-9]" | awk '{sum+=$10} END {print sum}'

If you have more specific needs, or would like to see more info, formatted better, let me know, and maybe I can do something better in Python. :)

Best regards,

Bill Arlofski

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