Am 24.02.24 um 20:53 schrieb Stefan G. Weichinger:

I was already able to get the windows-client to work by upgrading/reinstalling the bacula-server part (basically starting from scratch ... didn't matter much, but was a bit of work).

The server was older than the client, that seems to have lead to the mentioned error.

I also took the chance to get rid of baculum and install bacularis.

The windows-client part seems to work now, but by "losing" my postgres-DB/catalog in the process of upgrading/reinstalling I have issues with the tapes/volumes.

Is there a fast way to start from scratch? I re-labelled volumes, updated slots, edited tapes to status "Append" etc, but Bacula seems confused by the tapes ;-)

Stuff like this right now:

26-Feb 12:39 debian1-sd JobId 31: Volume "000008L4" previously written, moving to end of data.
26-Feb 12:41 debian1-sd JobId 31: Warning: For Volume "000008L4":
The number of files mismatch! Volume=4 Catalog=3
Correcting Catalog
26-Feb 12:41 debian1-sd JobId 31: New volume "000008L4" mounted on device "HP-Ultrium4" (/dev/nst0) at 26-Feb-2024 12:41. 26-Feb 12:41 debian1-sd JobId 31: Error: Backspace record at EOT failed. ERR=Eingabe-/Ausgabefehler 26-Feb 12:41 debian1-sd JobId 31: End of medium on Volume "000008L4" Bytes=53,687,079,936 Blocks=0 at 26-Feb-2024 12:41. 26-Feb 12:41 debian1-sd JobId 31: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload Volume 000008L4, Slot 2, Drive 0" command. 26-Feb 12:45 debian1-sd JobId 31: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load Volume 000009L4, Slot 3, Drive 0" command. 26-Feb 12:46 debian1-sd JobId 31: 3305 Autochanger "load Volume 000009L4, Slot 3, Drive 0", status is OK. 26-Feb 12:46 debian1-sd JobId 31: Volume "000009L4" previously written, moving to end of data.

I have to add that I edited MaximumFileSize from 20GB to 2GB after reading the info. Maybe the tapes I wrote with the larger value aren't "compatible" now anymore?

Sorry for mixing topics and asking FAQs ... still learning many details.

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