Am 13.06.24 um 12:44 schrieb Marcin Haba:

You don't need to restart anything. Are you sure that you set all CommandAcl directive values in the Console ACL? They should be one command per one CommandAcl field:

CommandAcl = gui
CommandAcl = .api
CommandAcl = .status
CommandAcl = .storage
CommandAcl = delete
CommandAcl = show
CommandAcl = mount
CommandAcl = umount
CommandAcl = label
CommandAcl = update

If storage is not listed in the storage table it can be that the .storage command is missing there. Could you confirm it? Also StorageAcl needs to be set to all Storage that should be available for that user.

all there, looks like this on the shell:

Console {
  Name = "tape-operator-ACL"
  Password = "xxxxxxxx"
  StorageAcl = "HP-Autoloader"
CommandAcl = "gui, .api, .status, .storage, delete, show, mount, umount, label, update"

    I want to get the information which tapes to insert into the
    loader. Which ones are "overwritable" right now, what is needed for the
    next jobs to be successful. I'd like not to have to process retention
    times etc by myself.

I understand. Thanks. I don't know exactly this type of function in Bacula, however in the status director is information about the next volume for scheduled backup jobs. In Bacularis it is in (Director -> Tab: Actions -> Button: Status director  ->  SubTab: Raw status). For restore the required volumes are listed in the restore wizard before starting the restore.

ok. I see. Thanks so far!

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