On 3/22/04 3:50 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> In a message dated 3/21/2004 10:26:23 PM Eastern Standard Time,
>> If you insist that the Bab's use of the term was authoritative
>> interpretation of the Qu'ran, then either Ali did not understand the
>> Qu'ran or he was claiming to be the Return of Christ.
> Well, according to the Iqan, "Muhammad, the Point of the Qur'án,
> "I
> am all the Prophets." Likewise, He saith: "I am the first Adam, Noah,
> and Jesus." Similar statements have been made by Ali."
> My point Don, is not that the Frequented Fane isn't the Qiblih, but that
> *ultimately* (and not just metaphorically) the Qiblih is the
> of God.
Ah ha.  And my point of departure is that 'frequented fane' w/o caps is
not a reference to the Qiblih.

"The Much-frequented Fane (or House) is usually understood to mean the
Ka'bah, but in view of the parallelism noted [a dual meaning] it may be
taken generally to mean any Temple or House of Worship dedicated to the
true God.  It would then include the Tabernacle of the Israelites in
the wilderness, the Temple of Solomon, the Temple in which Jesus
worshipped, and the Ka'bah which the Holy Prophet purified and rededicated
to true worship.  These would only be illustrations.  Other concrete
places of worship would be included . . . .The Fane is 'much-frequented'
as there is a universal desire in the heart of man to worship Allah, and
his sacred Temples draw large crowds of devotees."
     (from the commentary w/ Yusuf Ali's translation)

If Muhammad had wanted to restrict the original meaning to either the
Ka'bah or the Qiblih, why didn't He say so?  Remember, the Ka'bah and the
Qiblih were not always the same.  This surah is generally believed to be
early Meccan.  I don't know enough history off the top of my head to know
the status of either at the time this surah would have been revealed.
I.e. had the Ka'bah been cleansed and where was the Qiblih?

(What am I doing up this time of night?)

Don C

- - - - -
He who believes himself spiritual proves he is not.

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