I am only aware of one Baha'i law that is directly derived from the Qur'an:

"And in the matter of Zakat, We have
likewise decreed that you should follow what hath
been revealed in the Qur'án."
(Baha'u'llah, Tablet of Questions and Answers No. 107, The Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 

There are other Baha'i laws that have Islamic aspects to them. For example the 
Right of God being 19% is similar to a Shiah practice, but I think it arose 
from jurisprudence, not from the explicit text of the Qur'an. (Perhaps both are 
foreshadowed in the story of Joseph in the Book of Genesis.  I understand 
Joseph to be the archetype of the Prophet of God, and He gathered one-fifth of 
the produce of the land into the granaries).

A great many of the laws of Baha'u'llah have their antecedents in the laws of 
the Bayan, though many have been modified, including the inheritance laws, the 
calendar, certain fines, part of the congregational prayer for the dead, the 
month of fasting, and so on.

But I'm curious which Baha'i laws are really rooted in the laws revealed in the 


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