On Tue, 14 Dec 2004 19:11:58 -0800, Rich Ater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >And I would say is that people like Khalid Abul Fadl [aren't] an
> >exception to what I"m talking about he's an example. There are
> >certainly Muslims who are looking at the sources of the religion
> >differently and starting to "reform". Amina Wadud would be another.
> >There are also fairly traditional scholars from Western backgrounds
> >who are just sensitive to certain issues and are gradually using
> >traditional methodologies in modern situations and are better at
> >communicating and articulating Islamic principles to modern Western
> >audiences. None of these people are saying the Quran is outdated.

> Gilberto,
>    Here we agree. I'm not saying it is outdated either. I would agree
> with your thoughts on changes being horizontal rather than vertcal and
> I'll answer your other posting in a day or so when I have time to do it
> justice.
> >But there are Bahais who, for example, would say that the Quran isn't
> >suitable for the modern age because it promotes unfair treatment of
> >women. That's what I would call "calling God a sexist pig". I would
> >rather read the Quran in different ways and say that it continues to
> >be valid.

> >If Baha'is take up this argument, I would say it is an oversimplification, 
> >and like other oversimplifications, is wrong. God forbid that such things be 
> >said. The Qur'an will never be invalid, we believe that some social 
> >teachings have been superceded,

But aren't some of these social teachings actually found in the Quran?
And if so, why do you think they have been superceded?

 I would like to continue this conversation at greater length in a day
or so. It is nice talking with you.

Same here.



"My people are hydroponic"

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