"I've heard this accusation alot from Bahais but I don't believe it is
valid. I think there is a very big and clear distinction between
saying that God can't do something and that God didn't do something."

Dear Gilberto,

The Jews never said God couldn't literally do something. They were basically
saying the same thing the Muslims were saying, that He had committed Himself
not to do so, and it was by virtue of their understanding of His promises
that they had in effect 'tied His hands.'


Apologies, dear friends...I have only loosely followed this thread, so my comment may be totally out of place. But the above exchange impressed upon my heart the following thought:

When speaking in turns of the Divine Essence, it is illusive to relate God to human characteristics...His essence is beyong our finite minds.

The question of whether God can "do anything" is not pertinent in terms of what we conceive as "anything." For example: Can God create a rock that is so heavy the even He can't life it? Trying to relate God to human qualities is like trying to compare a drop to the ocean.


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