On Sun, 09 Jan 2005 11:57:50 -0600, Mark A. Foster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, Gilberto,
> At 11:39 AM 1/9/2005, you wrote:
> >>So since the Penteteuch clearly identifies the son as Isaac, then somehow 
> >>there is a discrepancy here unless you want to say that the revelation of 
> >>God given to Moses had a mistake in it.<<

> Yes, but the issue may be a bit more complex:
> "In one of His Tablets, 'Abdu'l-Bahá' refers to this discrepancy [Isaac 
> vis-a-vis Ismael], and explains that, from a spiritual point of view, it is 
> irrelevant which son was involved. The essential part of the story is that 
> Abraham was willing to obey God's command to sacrifice His son. Thus, 
> although the account in the Torah is inaccurate in detail, it is true in 
> substance...."
> -- From a letter, dated August 9, 1984, from the Universal House of Justice 
> to an individual believer
> http://bahai-library.com/provisionals/lawh.haji.kamalud.din.html

I don't have a problem with that distinction between the substance and
the detail. I think I would actually be interested in applying that
more generally to other aspects of the Bible. The Bible gets alot of
the details wrong and I would take exception to much of it but the
"substance" the "essential part" is still contained there.



"My people are hydroponic"

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