As far as I can tell, this whole thing started because I was drawing a
distinction between Christianity and Islam and Bahais seem to be
refusing to recognize that difference.

J:  But there are parallels and similarities.  The whole point is, Christians reject the Qur'an because Jesus has the last word on everything... only if Jesus comes down with nail holes in his hands riding on clouds from the sky will they accept anyone else.  Similarly, Muslims reject Baha'u'llah (not all, many have become Baha'is) because the Qur'an has the last word on everything, and they will reject anyone until the world ends somehow.

There is no clear statement from the Christian side which says no more
prophets are coming and no more books. And within many different
Christian groups the idea that the Holy Spirit still communicates with
people and God gives specific messages to believers is much much more
prominent than in Islam.

J:  Stop for a second.  Within Islam, there are those who accept Books after Islam.  How do you think Baha'is and Babis came about.

G: Look. I don't think you (or most of the people who have been
responding to me really understand what I'm trying to say. I've been
trying to say it over and over again in different words to no avail.
How about this. Why don't YOU tell ME in your own words, what YOU
think I'm trying to say??

J:  That is not my point.  My point is that I *can* logically argue, based on *explicit* and *specific* text of the Qur'an, Baha'u'llah's coming and Baha'u'llah's Book as permissible and anticipated.  Millions of Baha'is didn't come from outerspace, they were former Muslims. 

J:  Of course, within Islam, this idea is rejected. Because to agree with this idea, one would have to *abandon* Islamic community and become a Baha'i.  People are threatened by this idea & argument, and understandably so.  Let the Words of Baha'u'llah touch your heart and then one has to decide, 'is it more important to be a part of the Islamic community, or should I abandon it to follow by God, Lord of the Day of Judgement?'

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