Hi Mark,
Oh dear. This could easily end in a pro-contra ruhi debate. When I hear objections to things I always want to try to assess how much of these objections are based in truth. The same when I hear glorification of things.
how many people OUTSIDE the USA do you know who have gone through the ruhi books, who have done more than one?
I want to ask you  something but I do not want to say this on a public forum. Can I email you privately?
much love,

"Mark A. Foster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

At 10:31 PM 1/16/2005, you wrote:
>>and it is too fundamentalistic in approach.<<

You hit on one of my pet peeves. The Ruhi method, as I have seen it conducted (and as I have heard from most other people), *is*, IMO, fundamentalist, and I am concerned it is being promoted by the International Teaching Center and the Continental Counsellors. As I have said before, I hope that the ITC is not morphing into something like the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

With regards, Mark A. Foster • 15 Sites: http://markfoster.net
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