At 12:05 +0000 5/21/05, Jim Habegger wrote:

Have you ever seen any decision by the Universal House of Justice, that forbids us to promote the inclusion of Women on the Universal House of Justice, or a Guardian after Shoghi Effendi, or any other view in particular?

Have you ever seen any decision by the Universal House of Justice that forbids us to promote any view that we imagine is contrary to its own?

Have you ever seen any decision by the Universal House of Justice that requires us, before promoting any view, to first make sure that it is not contrary to anything the Universal House of Justice has ever written, as we understand it?

In Addition to what Brent wrote/cited are the following -

Response from Universal House of Justice
18 May 1995

Your message suggests that the House of Justice "outline which aspects of current Bahá'í Administration are permanent and which are subject to change". You have made this suggestion in the light of your concern that some of the ideas you have seen expressed for making the administration work better might be inappropriate. The House of Justice judges that for it to make such a categorization would not be fruitful. The believers' own study of the writings, especially those of Shoghi Effendi and including the Constitution of the Universal House of Justice, should enable them to arrive at an ever greater understanding of the essentials of the Administrative Order. The workings of the community, as you will appreciate, are organic in nature and so is its growth. As time passes, the community expands, and conditions change, the House of Justice will make such adjustments and developments as are required. In so doing, the House of Justice takes cognizance of the conditions prevailing in the community and any views presented to it, reserving for itself the right of an unfettered decision in the manner described by Shoghi Effendi in "The Dispensation of Bahá'u'lláh". Its first consideration must always be to remain faithful to the revealed purpose of Bahá'u'lláh, as expounded and interpreted by Abdul -Baha and the Guardian.

Individual believers are entirely free to make their own recommendations for developments which they feel would be desirable, but the manner in which they do so is important, because this relates to fundamental principles of the functioning of Bahá'í society. On the one hand they may present their recommendations at the Nineteen Day Feast, or directly to their Local or National Spiritual Assembly, or even the to the Universal House of Justice. On the other hand, they are free to discuss these matters informally among themselves. Any actions, however, which savour of factionalism, of mobilizing pressure, or of stirring up contention among the Bahá'ís would be an inadmissible intrusion of the spirit of partisan politics into Bahá'í community life.

In general the House of Justice advises the friends to be less concerned with correcting what they conceive to be present imperfections in the administrative system, than with thoroughly understanding the principles which underline it, as clearly expounded by the Guardian, and with perfecting the application of those principles in practice.

Of particular importance is the sentence, "Any actions, however, which savour of factionalism, of mobilizing pressure, or of stirring up contention among the Bahá'ís would be an inadmissible intrusion of the spirit of partisan politics into Bahá'í community life."

I would also suggest two other statements by the House of Justice -
Individual Rights and Freedom of Expression
Some Issues Concerning Community Functioning.

In my opinion, there are 3 topics which can not be appropriately advocated -
Women on the House of Justice,
A second Guardian
Homosexual marriage

There are very explicit statements from the House on these issues at

At the same time, as the House of Justice says in the above letter, "On the other hand, they are free to discuss these matters informally among themselves." Personally, having watched the ranting and raving that went on during the late 90's, I'm no longer interested in discussing these issues.

Don C

He who believes himself spiritual proves he is not.

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