"You always have choices, Mark. Your's has been to define yourself as
an academic and to toe that line. Yhat's ok, but be honest with
yourself, you have chosen. Ian Semple, in a talk on obedience, discussed
the collaborater who says he had no choice but to betray others, or he
would have been killed. Semple says he could have chosen to die."

Dear Rich,

Why in the world are you comparing Mark to a collaborator? Because he
chooses not to make judge others? That might not be too bad a quality to

"I think it good to keep in mind that when non-Baha'is raise
issues on this list they are expecting Baha'i answers not sociological

Rich, there are very few non-Baha'is on this list and we are not here for
teaching purposes. It is a list for *studying* the Baha'i Faith *from an
academic perspective.*

    "In grad school I wrote a paper on healthcare views in the Baha'i
Faith from a nursing and anthropological perspective and I kept that
perspective, but I didn't kid myself that it had anything to do with the
Faith from it's own perspective."

So why are you objecting to what Mark is saying? He already admitted that
from the standpoing of the Baha'i Administration these people are not

warmest, Susan

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