> To me it makes sense to just say, Muslims should be the best Muslims they can be. Bahais should be the best Bahais they can be. And leave it to God to judge people's deeds and intentions.<
Excellent, I love it when we agree !  This is really the essence of Baha'u'llah's teaching !
"Thus doth the Nightingale (Baha'u'llah) utter His call unto you from this prison.  He hath but to deliver THIS CLEAR MESSAGE.  Whosoever desireth, let him TURN ASIDE from this counsel and whosoever desireth LET HIM CHOOSE the path to his Lord."
"He should forgive the sinful, and NEVER DESPISE his low estate, for NONE KNOWETH what his own end shall be. How often hath a SINNER attained, at the hour of death, to the ESSENCE OF FAITH, and, quaffing the immortal draught, hath taken his flight unto the Concourse on high! And how often hath a DEVOUT BELIEVER, at the hour of his soul’s ascension, been so changed as to fall into the NETHERMOST FIRE! "

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