
Ok, you chopped up the post in ways which removed comments from their context
I'll put new comments in brackets:

On 10/12/05, Susan Maneck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "What's your point? Are you trying to argue that Jesus wasn't a
> prophet? Jesus was clearly significant apart from the New Testament."

> Dear Gilberto,

> My point is that all we know about Jesus is what has been preserved in the
> New Testament.

No there is the Quran.

> As a matter of faith you might accept what the Qur'an says as
> well,

(as should a Bahai)

> but the historian only has the Gospels.

And the non-canonical Gospels, and Josephus, and arguably the Talmud,
and other sources.

[So first off, it is not true that all we know about Jesus is in the
New Testament]

>  And it was those Gospels that
>  had so great an impact on the world.

No. You are wrong. There were hundreds of Gospels written and
distributed besides the Biblical ones. There are other "heretical"
sources of information about Jesus, which are comparable to what is
found in the Bible.

[And then comes your comment]

> Comparable in what?
> These other gospels had very little impact on the world. Nor are these
> historically more credible.

[But you don't take the New Testament seriously as a historical
record. You don't actually believe Jesus rose from the dead. And the
non-canonical gospels and other Christian writings aren't
significantly less credible as historical accounts. They were excluded
from the canon, to a large degree, because they were theologically
objectionable to the group of Christians which was dominant, but
looking at them gives us more information about the Christian movement
and Jesus.]




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