On 10/15/05, Scott Saylors <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Susan Maneck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I didn't *totally* reject the non-canonical Gospels. In fact, I admitted the
> value of St. Thomas' Gospels. The historical value of the others if
> questionable. As for Josephus, he summarizes Jesus' life in a single
> paragraph. It so much reinforces what is in the Gospels without adding
> anything to it that some have suggested it is an interpolation.

> Dear Susan,

> It certain could be a later addition to the text; but, I have seen it
> advanced with some skill that Josephus was using contemporary Christian
> tracts as a "source" for information about which he had little direct
> knowledge (since he had been living in Rome atthe time of the history
> unfolding). It was not the custom to provide citation for such sources in
> the scholarship of Josephus' time. Therefore the material could be from
> Josephus' pen in fact, but tract material nonetheless.

There are at least two different versions of a passage in Josephus
about Jesus. One of them is pretty minimal and sedate. The other one
talks about Jesus in such glowing terms that the author would have had
to be a Christian (while Josephus was not). So the suggestion is that
later Christian editors embellished the passage.



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