On 10/18/05, Scott Saylors <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have to very much agree with you on this. It is sometimes
> firmly entrenched in the way we think and communicate our
> beliefs to others.

> I had a friend, a Jew, who honestly explained to me that he had > had a Bahai
> speak of the Judaic Revelation as "kindergarten" and go on to
> explain how
> later revelations were higher grades.

Yes, exactly. That is a VERY widespread kind of analogy. MANY of the
analogies used to explain progressive revelation are like that.

> This IS rather elitist in tone and many do not recognize it when > they speak 
> about progressive revelation.


> When I went on to explain how each of the Messengers had
> the same depth of
> knowledge as each and every other one, but was limited in
> what He could
> transmit by the Will of God. He understood this softened the
> edge to a great
> deal.

I think that that is an improvement but in some respects the problem
is still there. I agree with you that the issue is firmly entrenched.
But I think to satisfactorily deal with it would require a really
radical rearrangement of mental furniture.

And in particular, I think it is something that all people of faith
need to wrestle with. I don't think that Bahais have any advantage
here. In every religious community there are people who come off
elitist and narrow, and in every religious community who are open and
accepting of difference.



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