On 10/23/05, Iskandar Hai, M.D. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, I'm not so sure that there is a "Muslim" paradigm as such: there is
> a Wahhabi Sunni paradigm, there is a Si`ah paradigm, there is a
> Sufi/mystical pradigm, a Hanbali Sunni paradigm, a Shafi`i paradigm, etc.,
> etc.

Yes and no. When people say "paradigm" they don't just mean a single
individual's interpretation of a particular question as opposed to
someone else's. A "paradigm" is something bigger, more general.

To quote the definition which Scott copied:
3 : a philosophical and theor! etical framework of a scientific school
or discipline within which theories, laws, and generalizations and the
experiments performed in support of them are formulated; broadly : a
philosophical or theoretical framework of any kind.

So for example some broad parameters of a "Muslim" paradigm of the
Quran might be things like the idea that the commandments of the Quran
are still valid. Or the idea that the "Last Day" is really about the
end of creation and not just a metaphor for the coming of the next
Manifestation. Or the idea that the Quran is the revelation from the
last prophet. Those are examples of big ideas which are part of a
common Muslim paradigm. These details about wudu or the meaning of
specific individual words are not issues of paradigm.



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