On 10/26/05, Susan Maneck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "What about the central figures? I understand they predated Israel but
> not necessarily the Zionist movement. And they could have made
> references to prophecy in ways which had implications for Zionism
> and/or Israel."
> Dear Gilberto,
> If you are asking if They made references to prophecy in ways that could be
> taken as supporting Zionism or a Jewish state, I suppose some of their
> references to biblical prophecy could be interpreted that way.


> But Zionism
> is a form of nationalism and Baha'is don't support nationalism. Nor is there
> any reference to a "Jewish state" in the Writings.

Hmm... I guess one can narrowly define Zionism in a rigid way and then
you can say that you are not Zionist. But the stuff I remember reading
from Bahai sources was broader than that. And it seemed "Zionist" in
the sense of clearly favoring one side.

> > I think there is evidence that Abdu'l-Baha took this position. He urged
> His
> > fellow Palestinians to accept the immigration of Jews. At the same time He
> > said that if Jews attempted to take it all "there would be trouble."

> Gilberto:
> Do you know where one could read that?"

> It's a pilgrim's note.  Juan Cole posted it a few years ago on H-Bahai. You
> might ask him.

Oh wait a minute. There is a pilgrim's note I remember posting earlier
the last time I had asked about this question. It has the word
"trouble" in it but it is totally used in a different way. And it was
from a Bahai webpage not from Juan Cole.



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