Dr. Maneck,

You wrote:

"What I find belligerent is your false categorization of the views of
most believer"

Dear Susan,

I said, in my original response to this thread:

"A very common Baha'i attitude is that if one of the Central Figures
wrote something that comes into conflict with scientific knowledge,
then science is wrong because our Central Figures are infallible."

I don't consider this to be a false categorization of the views of
many believers, and I never said it was true of "most" believers. It
is clearly the view of some on this list, and some of these believers
are extremely outspoken and intolerant of any other viewpoint, thus
magnifying their impact greatly.

As for belligerence, I think an impartial observer would sense more
belligerence aimed at me in this discussion than the other way around.
Perhaps I am wrong.

And not many will step up to defend or support folks with my viewpoint.


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