Hello Susan and Hasan,


Dr. Maneck, while I often read a response like yours on the net, it is not completely correct, and because of this, it is misleading.  There are *many* fossils already discovered that belonged to primate species that preceded the split between the current living human and non-human primates.


As you imply, Dr. Maneck, the term "Missing Link" has no scientific meaning. There is no such thing as the missing link. Species continually evolve and there is no sense in which any individual fossil remains represent a special and unique  "missing link" .


When dealing with fossil remains of more than 100,000 years, it is extremely difficult to assign any given fossil remains definitively to any one hypothetical species, much less to say with any certainly whether any particular living animal is directly descended from the particular species of which the fossilized animal may have been a part of.


Thus, while your reply correctly points out that the concept of a "Missing Link" is not a valid scientific concept, your statement that


"""And I think we can reasonably expect that at some
point we will find the common ancestor of men and apes.""


is incorrect, because we have probably already found many such common ancestors, but for sure, it is certain that we will never find "the" common ancestor between men and apes because no such unique species exists, any more than it does for any two animals.


In other words, to try to get my point across, there is no difference between our understanding of human evolution and that of the evolution of any other random animal you may ask about; in other words, the statement of the Master's being quoted, has no scientific meaning, and therefore it can not be falsified nor proven correct; it is not a scientific statement.


Please understand, Susan, I am not trying to be quarrelsome or nitpicking at all, it is just that I have seen you make this same sort of statement


""""And I think we can reasonably expect that at some
point we will find the common ancestor of men and apes."""


Before on this list down through the years, and I believe it is a misleading statement.





Dear Hasan,

During Abdu'l-Baha's time there were people who believed there was
a 'missing link' from which man descended from the apes which
currently inhabit our planet. That link does not exist. But there are
innumerable links tying us with previous hominids like the
Australiopithecus. And I think we can reasonabley expect that at some
point we will find the common ancestor of men and apes.

warmest, Susan

----- Original Message -----
From: Hasan Elias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:14 am
Subject: lost link - will never found
To: Baha'i Studies <bahai-st@list.jccc.edu>

> Susan, Abdu'l-Bahá said that the link assumed to be missing
> between man and animal will never be found:
>  "The link which they say is lost is itself a proof that man was
> never an animal. How is it possible to have all the links present
> and that important link absent? Though one spend this precious
> life searching for this link, it is certain that it will never be
> found."
>  pp. 303-304; Promulgation of Universal Peace, pp. 359
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