> are *many*
> fossils already discovered that belonged to primate species that 
> precededthe split between the current living human and non-human 
> primates.

Dear Ron, 

I'm not thinking of early primates in general, I'm thinking more 
specifically of the common ancestor of man and the great apes. That 
has yet to be identified. 

> As you imply, Dr. Maneck, the term "Missing Link" has no 
> scientific meaning.
> There is no such thing as the missing link. Species continually 
> evolve and
> there is no sense in which any individual fossil remains represent 
> a special
> and unique  "missing link" .

Correct. But this was not something that was generally recognized in 
Abdu'l-Baha's time. There was popularly thought to be a 'link' between 
humanity and the apes as they currently existed, i.e. that we 
descended directly from Chimpanzees, for instance. 

 in other words, the 
> statement of
> the Master's being quoted, has no scientific meaning, and 
> therefore it can
> not be falsified nor proven correct; it is not a scientific 

Correct. What Abdu'l-Baha was debunking was a popular misunderstanding 
of evolution. 

warmest, Susan 

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