Dear Hasan,

I wish I could read Spanish, but I can't get very far with it, so I cannot read what you wrote on your blog.

Anyway--and, there are sources you might try that are far more educated than I am on this--the House appears to accept that there is a difference between a homosexual and a person with gender dysphoria, or whatever it's called. My understanding is that a homosexual  is of a certain sex emotionally and physically, but is sexually attracted to the SAME gender--I think we all agree on that. However, there is this other category that is NOT emotionally or mentally of their physical gender, and is sexually attracted to people of what they perceive of as the OPPOSITE gender--essentially, they are heterosexual, but trapped in the wrong package. The House has, so far, agreed that this is a medical condition that may be treated by gender reassignment surgery.

Unfortunately, these are rigid categories, and I think that the thread of this discussion addresses that there is a lot of area that is difficult to define.



Hasan Elias wrote:
In bahá'í view a homosexual is a "sick heterosexual" or "perturbed heterosexual". So "change of sex" doesn’t exist.


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