 :" The
whole purpose of philosophy is to help people outgrow pre-reflectivity."
 not there in any part of the word.
 "to get a date with the Maiden", yeah...i can get there outa philoSophia.
that may not be the prudent exegesis, but it at least doesn't require a 
starting point of innate authority before turning into deeds.
  the only way anybody moves from pre-reflectivity is having 
action-->>movement,<-- on which to reflect.
  darwin as a new archmedes says the only thing observable is situationally 
workable results. and the result can be measured in biomass. other combatants 
say he "means" something as a fulcrum. in that sense i see darwin and hatcher 
being very alike...both deomonstrating that Old Dude/Beard/Sword/Book needs to 
be smashed or decontructed before going further. because the pillars on which 
the turtle stands are themselves moving. 
:"descriptive adequacy" requires motion and relativeness, and within the 
motion...mot"ive". phaedrus.
;'but the application of some - not all - laws/principles as
decided by the Universal House of Justice or other authorized bodies laws
may be. "
 history...the record of motion, states categorically that from 1875ish to 
1992ish the knowledge of the contents of the Aqdas was/is/remains something of 
a mystery, to be gradually relativistically applied. i have a pony tail. a 
friend of mine in aBs has a shaved head. 
:"Nations have
constitutions i.e. the theoretical principles that form the foundation of
the state and then they have courts and executives that apply the principles
in actual cases. 

 one could make an excellent case that american history, as an example, has 
been an argument about what is meant by "all" and "men" (from the gettysburg 
and that by changing the definition, the world changes. 
:""Eternal verities" are universal truths, i.e. truths that hold in all
times and places and for people in all kinds of situations."
 ok. we agree. now, i take the Cite, "if a thought of wear comes oppose it with 
a stronger thought of peace" and place it next to the "wild arab" of sAq, and i 
look for a universal...and i find macht, not kraft, both in service to a Form 
only apprehidible relativistically and situationally, and therefore, basically, 
non-extant, while being Existent.
:'he LSA decision refers to practical matters, not the interpretation of the
Writings, scientific, historical or logical etc truth."
 nope. any meeting i have ever had with an lsa has been aobut a fundamental 
interpretation of the Text&Guidance, and what >>>motion<<, so yes, praxes, 
would result. but that hardly seperates them from being interpreters ofwhich 
T&G and howe to interpret It, and apply same. 
 if i am hearing you..which i am waorking at...i hear an issue of what i wortld 
term "sanctity." --a place where there is a cutting off, a seperating, and if i 
recall right somebody who knows the arabic can give us a root here to help, a 
need to separate let's say, how many floors can an elevator stop on in haifa on 
a Sabbath from True Form.
 i hear u arguing that many many people who say they are chasing after "That 
Chick" are engaging in narcissistic expression rather than mating. ifff that is 
true, we would have a lot of agreement. 

my pov has been consistently that apples and oranges are both fruit, and people 
who matter are hungry to the point of not being picky eaters, and know better 
than to care about the difference between foucalt and a pendulum if somebody 
will just feed them.

:"and the surviving dispensations are less than fully adequate vehicles
for meeting the needs of our time and the further evolution of humankind. 

 that is, to my ears. an existential, relativistic credo.

and..:-) :-) if derrida says he cannot recognise sense in what he wrote, and u 
say u cannot recognise sense in what he wrote...you would rather seem to 
 a difference i have with both u and derrida is that i believe i can recognise 
a lottt of sense ion what derrida wrote, because there is Light shining on it, 
making it readable.

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