
You write

""The only thing that matters is what the Baha'i Writings tell us directly or
by implication, or at least what is compatible with the Writings and does
not contradict them. This is not a matter of personal philosophies."""

But the Baha'i Writings have to be understood. Writings, all by
themselves, have no meaning, its only when understood by human minds
and put into action that they have effect.

And having authoritative Interpretations doesn't help this one iota,
for the Interpretations also must be understood by human minds and put
into effect.

You insist in an all-or-nothing approach to every question. You insist
that we must be able to determine a right or wrong response to every

You claim to prove your points by setting up straw men and then
logically deducing contradictions, which is about as erroneous a
methodology as is imaginable, really breathtaking in its hubris and
lack of insight.

You treat words as if they have some sort of foundational and precise
logical connection with reality. Nothing could be further from the
truth. You claim that sentences like the one I just wrote to begin
this paragraph leads to "anything goes" which is totally incorrect.
Words can and do have meaning to human beings and are a superb guide
to analyzing reality and deciding relative truth claims about just
about anything and everything; but words have no chance of proving any
ultimate truth claims about reality whatsoever.

Really, Ian, I find the uncompromising (and in my opinion,
uncomprehending and simple minded) nature of the beliefs you are
expounding to be most distasteful. If I had to accept your beliefs in
order to be Baha'i it would be impossible. I suspect that an
overwhelming majority of people, including most Baha'is, would find
your line of reasoning to be unacceptable. I hope it never becomes
Baha'i orthodoxy.

But you have a right to your opinion.



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