The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Dear Susan:

Shahram misreads and misrepresents the March 5th 2009 Persian message from the
Universal House of Justice addressed to the Baha'is of Iran. 
The background is that the Prosecutor General issued a statement a few days ago
addressed to the Ministry of Intelligence to the effect that all Baha'i
organizational/administrative bodies must be disbanded, even though the 
and the "khAAdemeen" bodies had been set up a couple of decades ago with express
approval and full knowledge of the Iranian government. So, now, the House is
saying that as a gesture of good will, the Baha'is can disband such bodies of
"khAAdemeen" (the 7-member body of "yAArAAn" is in detention anyhow, effectively
disbanded) and that such disbanding does not adversely affect the Faith, 
The House also anticipates, in the March 5th message, that some other 
will be worked out to see to the affairs of Iranian Baha'is. It was very foolish
and irresponsible of the Prosecutor General to call for a total disbanding of 
administrative/organizational bodies anyhow. How are some half a million Baha'is
supposed to get married, conduct prayer meetings, have children's classes,
Feasts, etc. with absolutely no organization? 

Shahram, of course, is on the side of the Iranian government and he wishes that
Professor Nader Saiedi and all Baha'is constantly sing the praises of a
government that has a very poor human rights record when it comes to minorities,
political dissenters, human rights activists, etc. The Speaker of Iranian
Parliament, Ali Larijani, is going to Khartoum now to show support of Omar
Al-Bashir who is now a wanted man, for example. What Shahram says about 
Saiedi's article is incorrect and untrue. 

So, just ignore Shahram. 

Good wishes, 

On Fri 03/06/09  2:10 PM , Susan Maneck sent:
> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> >  it appears from the content of the recent
> message of UHJ dd 05.03.2009 that>  an amicable agreement is going to be held 
> about
> the case of bahai leadership group[yaran] in Iran.
> Dear Shahram,
> What message are you talking about? I received one dated March 4, 2009
> from the BIC, but not one from the House of Justice. Surely if you are
> a Baha'i as you have said, you would know the difference?
> >  recently it is being discussed by many Bahai
> youth groups in Iran that peacful n friendly talks and procedures insures
> better interests for the>  community than relying on abroad and making
> ironical criticism on government.
> So are you suggesting that the government is now prepared to drop
> these charges?
> You wrote:
> "hence,I believe tt the strong n brutal attacks on the Iran
> government, as made by dear dr.Nader Saeidi-that from a communist
> view,and with some slight changes could be made against most
> governments,"
> Provide us with a link to the article in question because I don't know
> of anything Nader has written that could be described as a 'brutal
> attack.' And it has been many years since I've seen Nader write
> anything from a Marxist perspective.
> not only will not help the community and Bahai faith in Iran;but
> rather wl arouse the
> >  anger and suspicions against them in the
> Iranian authorities.>  good luck/Rohani
> For gosh sakes, Shahram. You act as if all Baha'is were charged with
> was having an illegal organization rather than charges which carry the
> death penalty! How do you expect us to react? These people were
> charged with espionage and if you are indeed a Baha'i you surely know
> such charges were false.  That's a hell of way to try and get a
> religion to run things slightly differently.
> Tell me, do you know if the Iranian government is now prepared to give
> these Baha'is access to their lawyer?
> Susan
> __________________________________________________

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