The Baha'i Studies Listserv
I'm having some difficulty understanding this. Who might this grandson have
My understanding is that before Shoghi Effendi passed away, all the aghsan
had, unfortunately, broken the Covenant. No?

Who is this Baha'i scholar? And can you please ask him/her to give you the
specific name of this grandson and the names of his parents?

Best regards,
On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 8:28 AM, Minhaj Khan <> wrote:

> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> I know a Baha'i scholar here who says he met a grandson of Abdul Baha.
> I'm not sure which grandson, but the man made it clear his father
> broke the covenant. He broke all ties with his father and stood
> steadfast in the cause. Not once did he claim the role of guardianship
> or any such leadership role based on his lineage.
> Abdul Baha never claimed that the guardianship was meant to be a
> permanent institution. The Kitab-i-Aqdas makes it clear that
> leadership will pass from the Aghsan to the people of Baha. The topic
> is clear and I see no reason why there should be any further
> discussion on it.
> On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 11:24 PM, Sen & Sonja <> wrote:
> > The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> > On 27 Aug 2010 at 12:03, Gilberto Simpson wrote:
> >
> >> If any of Bahaullah's descendants joined the mainstream Bahais would
> >> they be eligible for being Guardian or any other special role?
> >
> > They could not be the Guardian, since the prospective Guardian had to
> > be nominated by his predecessor, and the choice approved by majority
> > vote of a body of nine Hands of the Cause. The Guardianship is
> > therefore definitively terminated (pending another Manifestation who
> > will do as She pleases).
> >
> > See on my blog:
> >
> >
> > However the descendants of Baha'u'llah might have a position of
> > honour. In the Kitab-e `ahd Baha'u'llah writes:
> >
> > It is incumbent upon everyone to show courtesy to, and have regard
> > for the Aghsan, that thereby the Cause of God may be glorified and
> > His Word exalted. This injunction hath time and again been mentioned
> > and recorded in the Holy Writ. Well is it with him who is enabled to
> > achieve that which the Ordainer, the Ancient of Days hath prescribed
> > for him. Ye are bidden moreover to respect the members of the Holy
> > Household, the Afnan and the kindred. ...
> >        (Baha'u'llah, Tablets of Baha'u'llah, p. 221)
> >
> > Sen
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > --
> > Sen McGlinn
> >
> >                     ***
> >     In reality, the radiant, pure hearts are the Mashrak-el-Azcar
> >           and from them the voice of supplication and
> >         invocation continually reacheth the Supreme Concourse.
> >                  Tablets of `Abdu'l-Baha Abbas, p. 678
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > --
> >
> >
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