The Baha'i Studies Listserv
The point, dear Matt, is that at the end of the day and in the final
analysis you choose one religion (or no religion for that matter) over
others. And this should not irk you. If it does, so be it. You chose Islam
and I chose the Baha'i Faith. If this irks an atheist or a Christian, so be

And Baha'is do not consider Buddhists wayward people who will go to hell or
anything like that. No. I'd believe in the acadaemic study and textual
criticism of the Qura'n, for instance. This doesn't mean that I consider
Qur'an to be a fake or forged text or devoid of spiritual value. No. It
still has spiritual value even if you can find a pre-Islamic text that is in
it word for word.

salAAm, peace, shalom

On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 4:32 PM, Matt Haase <> wrote:

> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> Dear Iskandar,
> Of course we all have reasons why we choose a particular path over others,
> and that they speak to us more fully than the others - hence why we identify
> ourselves as such. I think it is possible for one to do that without being
> supremacist. For example, I don't believe the Baha'i Faith is an "evil"
> religion or that its adherents are "apostates" from Islam. My reasons for
> identifying with Islam are complex and many, I couldn't possibly explain
> them adequately in an email forum message. But an important reason is
> Islam's diversity, that there are many strands of thought, theology, and
> philosophy in Islam - sometimes to the point that it appears that they are
> different religions altogether. I also have felt that I had a personal
> calling to Islam that I did not have with the Baha'i Faith. But none of that
> proves Islam is superior to the Baha'i Faith, or vice versa.
> *"If it irks you, so be it; you irk atheists, Jews, Christians, Buddhists,
> etc. And please don't tell me that those other religions don't have the true
> or authentic scripture nonsense. That's just bull. *
> **
> I want you to remember that comment the next time someone uses the Baha'is
> as a bad example, or insults your beloved Faith in anyway, and tell yourself
> "so be it. I irk them." I never said anything about other religions not
> having authentic scriptures. I would be careful saying it is "bull",
> considering Shoghi Effendi said this about Buddhist scriptures;
> *Regarding Hinduism and Buddhism, Shoghi Effendi says that "we cannot be
> sure of the scriptures of Buddha and Krishna" (*Lights of Guidance,* 2d ed.,
> 503), and that no one possesses the Buddha's "authentic writings"
> ("Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster and Related Subjects," 21). Shoghi Effendi
> often advised Baha'is to turn to historians and religious scholars in order
> to learn about Hinduism and Buddhism (Ibid., 19, 20, 21; *Lights of
> Guidance,* 1st ed., 382).*
> **
> I did not present that to start a fight with you, it's just that it seems
> like any time myself or Gilberto express any concern over how Islam is being
> insulted in some manner, you basically tell us that we have no right to
> express concern - and that it's those bad Muslims in the East that are
> persecuting Baha'is - therefore we have no reason to complain. Truth be
> told, I let most things slide, and when I do finally express a concern, I
> never want it to turn into a debate that eats up the main topic at hand.
> Allahu Abha
> On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 10:18 AM, Iskandar Hai, M.D. <
>> wrote:
>> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>>  Dear Gilberto and Matt:
>> On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 2:28 AM, Gilberto Simpson <
>>> wrote:
>>>  The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>>> Yes, I think we understand one another.
>>> On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 1:46 AM, Matt Haase <>
>>> wrote:
>>> > The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>>> >
>>> > "Sure, and the same is true of Islam... both in terms of how Muslims
>>> > understand Islamic general roles, or, in this case, how non-Muslims at
>>> > times go too far in attributing problematic gender roles to Islam per
>>> > se. As I've said to you before, if you really believe that God is
>>> > merciful and just, and if you really believe that the Quran comes from
>>> > God, then it should be possible to follow the Quran and be
>>> > compassionate and just to women."
>>> >
>>> > As a Muslim, I agree with you. But I think I understand where Susan
>>> > is coming from in regards to her own religion's view. The Baha'i Faith
>>> (in
>>> > my understanding) is a Dispensationalist religion - whereby it is
>>> believed
>>> > that God sort of "took" His/Her Spirit away from the most previous
>>> > revelation (Islam), and placed it in the hands of the Baha'i Faith.
>>> > Therefore, all spiritual progress that has since been made by other
>>> > religions is to really be credited to the Baha'i Faith for being the
>>> kind of
>>> > "command center" of the religious universe, that is sending out
>>> inspiration
>>> > to the rest of the religious world. Hence, progress made in other
>>> religions
>>> > is not to be credited to those religions themselves, but to the Baha'i
>>> > Faith. That is why some Baha'is tend to gloss over the changes and
>>> reforms
>>> > that other religions are going under, because it is believed that a
>>> true
>>> > practice of older religions would ultimately lead to very bad things.
>>> >
>>> > You can also look at it like a business owner. The Baha'i Faith would
>>> be a
>>> > very kind business executive who wishes for his competitors success in
>>> their
>>> > endeavors, but will still compete for buying customers nonetheless.
>>> > Therefore, he/she can't excessively praise their competition to the
>>> point
>>> > that people may go to their competitors. I personally have no problem
>>> in
>>> > saying that the Baha'i Faith has brought some progressive teachings to
>>> the
>>> > world of religion, such as an universal auxiliary language,
>>> encouragement of
>>> > developing skills in the arts and sciences, promoting reading and
>>> writing
>>> > intelligence, the equality of the sexes, the universality of human
>>> beings,
>>> > the promotion of concord between religions. What irks me, though, is
>>> when
>>> > some Baha'is say that none of the other religions have these teachings,
>>> > which seems to contradict the whole idea of promoting concord between
>>> the
>>> > religions - because it's basically saying "let's get along everyone.
>>> I'm
>>> > better than all of you", in my view. But maybe that is an emotional
>>> rather
>>> > than rational view of mine.
>>> >
>>> > Salam
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>> I'd agree with Sen's comments and explanations.
>> Let me ask you this:
>> At the end of the day and in the final analysis, you decide to be Muslims
>> (and not atheist, Jewish, Buddhist, Zoroastrian, Christian, Babi, or Baha'i)
>> for a reason or reasons. What is/are those reasons? I think I can tell you
>> that I'm a Baha'i (and not a Muslim, Jewish, atheist, etc.) pretty much for
>> the same reasons more or less. If it irks you, so be it; you irk atheists,
>> Jews, Christians, Buddhists, etc. And please don't tell me that those other
>> religions don't have the true or authentic scripture nonsense. That's just
>> bull.
>> Best regards,
>> Iskandar
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