The Baha'i Studies Listserv
This is the hadith that you quoted:
* The Holy Prophet (PBUH) observed: "God has bestowed upon me six
favors which the former Prophets did not enjoy:

   I have been endowed with the gift of pithy and perfect speech. I
was granted victory owing to my awe. The spoils of war were made
lawful unto me.
Do you really and sincerely believe that kind of rubbish about your Prophet?
You are a sick man if you do. Plain and simple.
As I said, go back and re-read the other ahadith that you quoted and read
them carefully. Most of them are just garbage. They were simply made up and
fabricated decades later for various other purposes.

About 17:95, what it says and you fail to see, is that even if humans become
so spiritually advanced as angels, they will still need a Messenger (an
angel Messenger). So, even if your so wonderful religion succeeds in
transforming human beings to angel equals, they will still need new Divine
Revelation but you choose to be blind to all of that and go back to some
story that someone narrated about that 17:95 verse, etc., etc. And read
18:109 wherein God says that His Words are limitless.

The hadith from Ayasha is in Khazeh's papers and it is as good as any other
hadith that you quoted. Read the Good Book itself, read the Surah of
AAl-ImrAAn. Forget about hadith.

Enough said.

On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 4:31 PM, Gilberto Simpson <> wrote:

> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 3:55 PM, Iskandar Hai, M.D.
> <> wrote:
> > The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> >
> > Give me a break, Gilberto. Just give me a break.
> > You were quotiing hadith in which Muhammad said that God gave gave him
> > things such as a pithy speech, etc. that He did not give other Prophets.
> You
> > belive that nonsense?
> Instead of just exclaiming "give me a break" and getting emotional,
> can you give a clear and cogent specific reason for why you don't
> believe it?
> >
> > Yes, 17:95 does prove my point.
> >
> How? Allahu alim, but the basic point seems to be that the unbelievers
> were challenging Muhammad (saaws) with all sorts of miracles and
> Muhammad answers back that he is "only" a human. If there were angels
> living on the earth in settled communities then God would send them an
> angel as a prophet, but humans live on the earth and so God sent a
> human prophet. It doesn't say anything about how prophets would keep
> coming.
> > What about the hadith from Ayesha that says: "say Muhmmad was the Seal of
> > Prophets but don't say that no Prophet will follow him."?
> >
> I tried to do a search for the phrse "don't say that no prophet will
> follow him" and what came up was an exchange from over 4 years ago
> including the two of us on a related But the simple
> answer to your question is that most Muslim scholars would probably
> sat that particular hadith was not authentic.
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