The Baha'i Studies Listserv
On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 6:09 PM, Gilberto Simpson <> wrote:

> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 5:55 PM, Iskandar Hai, M.D.
> <> wrote:
> > The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> >
> > This is the hadith that you quoted:
> > * The Holy Prophet (PBUH) observed: "God has bestowed upon me six
> > favors which the former Prophets did not enjoy:
> >
> >    I have been endowed with the gift of pithy and perfect speech. I
> > was granted victory owing to my awe. The spoils of war were made
> > lawful unto me.
> > -------------------
> > Do you really and sincerely believe that kind of rubbish about your
> Prophet?
> > You are a sick man if you do. Plain and simple.
> > As I said, go back and re-read the other ahadith that you quoted and read
> > them carefully. Most of them are just garbage. They were simply made up
> and
> > fabricated decades later for various other purposes.
> >
> If you have to resort to insults it just makes me lose respect for
> you. You are entitled to your opinion but I really don't have any
> desire to have you address me.

What you fail to see is that the hadith that you had quoted, if read
carefully, is disrespectful towards all the other Prophets of God; and
if/when you believe that your Prophet could have said it, then you
definitely have a sick mind. That's why I believe that that hadith (and some
of the other ones) were bogus and fabricated. But, a hadith is a hadith, is
a hadith.

If you are so 200% convinced that Islam is the last religion, Quran is the
last Word, and Muhammad is the very last Messenger of God, then what are you
doing on this Baha'i list? You want to convert us back to Islam?

> > About 17:95, what it says and you fail to see, is that even if humans
> become
> > so spiritually advanced as angels, they will still need a Messenger (an
> > angel Messenger). So, even if your so wonderful religion succeeds in
> > transforming human beings to angel equals, they will still need new
> Divine
> > Revelation but you choose to be blind to all of that and go back to some
> > story that someone narrated about that 17:95 verse, etc.,
> The verse doesn't speak about human beings spiritually advancing.
> Although I can see that IF you are already commited to the Bahai Faith
> you might want to see such a meaning in the text. But the text itself
> doesn't really suggest it. In context, it is pretty clearly refering
> to how the people at THAT TIME expected Muhammad (saaws) to perform
> tricks for them. Not some distant future where everyone is a
> superhero.

No that is not what the actual Text says. You are reading into it things
that it does not say.

>  etc. And read
> > 18:109 wherein God says that His Words are limitless.
> > The hadith from Ayasha is in Khazeh's papers and it is as good as any
> other
> > hadith that you quoted. Read the Good Book itself, read the Surah of
> > AAl-ImrAAn.
> Again, just as Bahais have their own rules for which texts they will
> accept or reject, so do Muslims. So again, you may be entitled to your
> own opinion about when a hadith is "good" but you shouldn't expect
> Muslims to treat you like an alim and follow your opinion.

So what?
What I am saying is that the Text of the Good Book rejects the notion of
This notion of finality is a disease afflicting all religious traditions,
and it's irrational, ludicrous, and unfounded.
At the end of the day, a hadith is a hadith is a hadith, is a hadith.

> ---------
Didn't Susan ask you to leave this list a couple of years ago?

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