The Baha'i Studies Listserv
On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 10:53 AM, Gilberto Simpson <> wrote:

> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 1:08 AM, Iskandar Hai, M.D.
> <> wrote:
> > I am a man from Mars. Argue your points from a rational point of view,
> not because `Abdu'l-Baha said something in defense of Islam to a Christian
> audience.
> >
> Well if you were from Mars I'd probably want to know about your
> Martian beliefs in order to figure out how much common ground we had.
> But let's say you weren't Bahai/Babi or Muslim on the one side, or
> pacifist on the other... I would probably point out that according to
> some sources, the raids were an attempt to recover property which the
> Muslims had lost to the Meccans when they became refugees during the
> hijra.
Yes, I know that. Still, lying in ambush waiting for a trading caravan, in
the forbidden month of Rajab, and shaving your head in order to give the
false impression that your intention was pilgrimage (hajj), being deceitful,
is not exactly an act of defense. Besides, how do you know that it was that
particular caravan that had taken your property?

> >
> > No, I was not condemning Islam. I am just stating the facts such as jihad
> and the
> > facts that were in that video. Or permission to beat your wife. These are
> facts. In
> > my view, they mean that the time of Islamic.  Dispensation has passed.
> It's not a > condemnation.
> > I don't appreciate being lectured at regarding what a moral code of
> conduct for a
> > Baha'i should be. I'd like to be given the latitude of making my own
> judgment
> > based on my own understanding.
> I think that if you don't like being told what Bahais are supposed to
> believe, then I would ask you to keep that feeling in mind before you
> lecture Muslims about what Islam teaches. You should give Muslims the
> latitude to make their own judgement based on their own understanding.

I am telling you what your Muslim texts say. That's all.
You did not leave the list when you were asked to. That's just common
netiquette. Nothing religious about it.

> __________________________________________________

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