
ini ada info terbaru mengenai SARS dari US Embassy Jakarta. Mudah-mudahan
berita ini bisa menenangkan kita semua, ya !


>  -----Original Message-----
> From:         Wright, Charles E  
> Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 3:12 PM
> To:   Jakarta AMER Emergency Personnel; Jakarta FSN
> Subject:      Health Unit Notice SARS
> Notice from the Medical Unit
> There have been a lot of rumors flying around lately about SARS (Severe
> Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and whether there are cases of it in Indonesia
> and what the travel restrictions are.  Let me tell you what I know as of 3
> pm today (this can change depending on new information).
> There are currently NO CASES OF SARS IN INDONESIA.  I spoke with Dr.
> Bjorge at WHO about this.  There have been reports of cases but the
> Ministry of Health has looked into them and cannot find any that are SARS.
> The Ministry will be putting out a daily press briefing starting tomorrow
> that will hopefully head off some of these rumors.  This may have started
> with Metro TV putting a message on their newscast that an Indonesian with
> SARS died in Singapore.  Singapore has been contacted and there is no
> truth to this.  The rumor may have gone on from there to say there are
> other cases and they are in this country.
> Travel Restrictions: Currently, there are no travel restrictions to
> Singapore by the State Department.  We are still medevacing patients there
> and people can travel through and to the country.  I confirmed this today
> with the medical unit in Singapore.  CDC has a travel warning for
> Singapore but they have lumped them in the warning with China, Vietnam and
> Hong Kong.  The RMO in Singapore feels this is a mistake as only direct
> contacts of SARS patients have had problems in Singapore and thus he does
> not recommend travel restrictions.  Anyone traveling through Singapore
> should be aware that they might undergo some scrutiny as far as their
> health and if they are concerned about this should route their travel
> through a different country.
> If you hear any further rumors or have any questions, please contact us in
> the Health Unit and we'll be happy to get the facts.
> Doc Hawkeye
> Chuck Wright
> Regional Medical Officer
> US Embassy Jakarta
> Tel: 6221-3435-9200
> Cell: 62-811-194-682
> Fax:  62-21-3435-9915
> Per E.O. 12958:  UNCLASSIFIED

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