bunda Jemima,
saya sudah coba buka web-nya. Di situ disebutkan nama lain konjack ad.
konnyaku. Kalau saya lihat di bungkusnya Nutrijell, ingredientsnya salah
satunya adalah bubuk konnyaku. Jadi tidak hanya merek jelly saja, konnyaku
itu juga ingredientsnya jelly. Kalau gitu, Nutrijell juga bisa menyebabkan
tersedak, ya ?
It's a seemingly harmless-looking treat, yet it's been reported that a type
of gel-like candy has killed at least 21 children over the last few years.
According to Dr. Steve Galson of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), gel
candy is dangerous for two reasons: its plug-like shape poses a choking
risk, and a binding ingredient called konjack doesn't dissolve in the mouth.
The FDA recently issued many recalls and an import alert for gel candy.
Still, the candy remains on store shelves across the country. 

Look for gel candies with konjack in them. Konjack is spelled many different
ways, including konjac, conjac, kanjac, yam flour, glucomannan, konnyaaku
and konnyaku. Still, Galson points out, the name isn't always listed on the
package. If you find gel candies at your local grocery or drugstore, talk to
the store manager. 

Related Resources
For more information on konjack gel candies, visit www.fda.gov. Click on
"gel candy," which is the first issue under Hot Topics. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Rukmi Indrati [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 1:05 PM
Subject: RE: [balita-anda] Fw: Konnyaku jelly bisa membahayakan

Mbak Rinso,
emailku tadi itu ttg jelly yang mereknya KONYAKU JELLY ... Memang ada merk
itu di pasaran.  Kalo jelly yang kita bikin sendiri sih, gpp ya kurasa ...
iin (bunda Jemima) 

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