Dear Mbak Sandra,

Saya menemukan satu artikel yg mungkin baik utk bahan belajar kita bersama
(termasuk bahan diskusi dg DSAnya).

Mucus in Stool of Newborn

Q : My son is eleven days old. I am breastfeeding and over the last
several days, his stool has changed from dark and sticky to loose, golden
yellow and grainy, which I understand is normal. It does seem to contain a
bit of mucus, though. Is this normal? The hospital gave us information
stating that a doctor should be called if there is "a lot" of mucus in the
stool. What counts as "a lot" and what does it mean?

A : Your question is a good one, and reminds me how vague we, as health
professionals, can be. It also doesn't have a specific answer. What is
'too much' mucus depends on other factors as well: how a baby is eating,
how well he is growing, what else is in the stool.

Speaking very generally, if only the occasional stool has just a tinge of
mucus and if the remainder looks just as you described, it is probably
okay. Mucus appears from two sources. It is either made in the
nose/respiratory tract and swallowed (very common in the presence of a
cold) or secreted by the gut. In large amounts, the latter can mean that
the gut is irritated or inflamed, in which case there may be blood in the
stool as well. Because the blood can be microscopic, sometimes the mucus
is more a tip-off than a problem in itself.

The bottom line (excuse the pun) is if you are concerned and the mucus
persists, save the diaper and bring it in to show your pediatrician. It is
better to be unduly worried and reassured than to miss anything.

Dr. Sadler

Maaf gak sempet translate.
Tapi intinya.
Adanya lendir dalam tinja adalah hal biasa.
INi akibat dari sekresi lendir yg dihasilkan oleh saluran pernafasan yg
dibuang oleh tubuh melalu tinja.
Tapi jika lenidr dalam jumlah berlebih, bisa jadi ini disebabkan oleh usus
yg teriritasi atau inflamasi. dan biasanay ini diiringi dg adanya darah

Krn itu jika ragu, bisa dilakukan tes tinja rutin dan didiskuskan dg DSAnya.

moga membantu
> Mbak sandra abis minum obat nggak?
> soalnya aku dulu waktu masih menyusui karena sembelit + flu minum obat...
> (lupa kalo ibu menyusui itu nggak boleh minum sembarang obat ya?)
> Jadinya Davina bab-nya berlendir en warnanya gelap....
> Untung langsung inget, jadinya aku stop en 2 hari kemudian bab-nya normal
> lagi....
> "sandra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 02/08/2006 03:46:53 PM
> Please respond to
> To:
> cc:    (bcc: Rini Ismawati/MKI)
> Subject:  [balita-anda] bab bayi berlendir
> Dear moms and dads,
> Hafiz, 4 bulan, satu minggu ini, bab-nya berlendir.  Tetapi masih ada
> ampasnya.
> Hafiz masih asi + susu formula.
> Penambahan susu formula sejak 1 bulan yang lalu, karena produksi asi-nya
> gak
> mencukupi.
> Kondisi badan biasa aja, tetap ceria..
> Kira-kira berbahayakah bab-nya ada lendir begitu?  Please share-nya...
> Thanks sebelumnya...
> Sandra
> (bunda-nya hafiz)

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