moms & dads.. numpang tanya
adakah yg punya list panti asuhan di jakarta ?
sukur2 kl ada yg punya datanya spt banyaknya anak yg diasuh, dlsb.

Ada kolega dari komunitas sosial lain yg ingin mengadakan kunjungan, mungkin 
bisa bantu beri info ke mereka.

Makasih sblmnya...

----- Forwarded by Nyoman RAHAYU/IDJKT04/TDE/AREVA-TD on 05/24/2006 01:54 PM 

Hai Dear Nyoman Rahayu,
How is everything with you?? Hope  great.

I need your help. I am looking for a panti asuhan  who are in urgent need of 
our help.But has to be in Jakarta.

Can you recommend me any place since my yayasan  wants to visit this month and 
donate to them.
The panti should minimum have 75  people atleast and can be more no pbl.

Let me know please.
Tks rgds

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