Bener tuh kata mama Kavin,
Kenapa dikasih AB kalo indikasinya gak jelas.
Trus ini aku ada artikel bahaya penggunaan kaopectate.

Bahaya Penggunaan Kaopectate & Pepto Bismol
Ditranslate dari artikel  "Pepti-Bismol warning" dari

Banyak orangtua yg tahu bahwa mereka tidak boleh
memberikan aspirin pada anaknya. Bisa jadi mereka
tidak tahu persis mengapa, tapi umumnya mereka tahu
obat tsb berbahaya bagi anak. Tentu saja, alasannya
adalah aspirinberbahaya bagi anak karena tingginya
resiko Reye' synfrome jika anak mengkonsumsinya, spt
saat mereka terkena infeksi virus spt flu atau cacar

Ada obat2an lain yg isinya serupa dg aspirin, yaitu
berisi salisilat, yg harus dihindari juga. Hubungannya
dg Reye's syndrome juga masih diketahui secara
teoritis. Obat2an yg mengandung salisilat tsb adalah :

* Kaopectate
* Pepto-Bismol

Penggunaan Kaopectate sebetulnya membingungkan. Sejak
direformulasi dith 2003 hingga kini, oabt tsb
mengandung subsalisilat, sejenis non-aspirin
salisilat. Dulunay kaopectate mengandung attapulgite,
yg dapat diberikan
pada anak > 3 th.

Kaopectate versi baru, dg bismuth subsalisilat,
awalnya hanya diberikan utk anak > 3 th, tetapi FDA
merevisi labelnya pd tanggal 9 April 2004.
Kaopectate tsb mulai dapat diberikan instruksi
dosisnya hanya utk anak > 12th. Hal ini makin
membingungkan, ada versi lama, versi baru dg label
lama,dan versi baru dg label instruksi baru yg
semuanya masih dijual hingga kini.

Karena kedua obat tsb (kaopectate & Pepto-bismol)
diinstruksikan utk remaja,anda harus mengikuti
peringatan tsb dan hindari penggunaanya bagi anak jika
anak menderita flu atau cacar air.

Penggunaan Pepto-Bismol juga membingungkan. Meskipun
dulunya dapat digunakan
utk anak > 3th, namun aturan tsb sudah direvisi dan
diubah dg label yg
Saat ini FDA mengubah semua instruksi dosis uk anak
dari label di semua
produk obat anti diare yg mengandung bismuth
subsalisilat. Termasuk
Pepto-bismol. Sehingga pada label baru akan terdapat
tulisan agar
berkonsultasi dg dokter sebelum memberikan
pepto-bismol utk anak < 12

Produk baru Children's Pepto Chewable Tablet yg
mengandung kalsium
dapat diberkan ke anak berusia 2th semakin membuat
masyarakat bingung
penggunaan Pepto-Bismol.

Krn penggunaan aspirin dan produk yg terkait relatif
berbahaya bagi
anak yg
menderita infeksi virus (spt flua tau cacar air),
adakah obat2an lain
obat tsb yg dapat diberikan ke anak ?!

Banyak sekali obat analgesik selain aspirin, spt
asetaminofen dan
Sehingga orangtua dapat menghindari penggunaan aspirin
bagi anak dan
Beberapa org lainnya menghindari penggunaan aspirin
dan produk serupa
berisi non-aspirin salisilat utk anaknya.
Tapi mereka seringkali menggunakan Pepto-Bismol atau
Kaopectate jika
menderita gangguan pencernaan atau diare, meski tidak
menderita demam
ataupun flu atau cacar air.

Ingatlah bahwa AAP, memberikan panduan bahwa :

Manajemen gastroentritis akut pada balita, terutama
agar tidak menggunakan produk2 farmakologis utk
emngobati diare akut.
penggunaan bismuth salisilat secara rutin jelas tidak
anak yg menderita diare akut.

Pepto Bismol Warning

Parents generally know that they shouldn't give
aspirin to their kids.
may not know exactly why, but most are aware that it
can be dangerous.
course, the reason to avoid these medications is
because they can
your child's chances of developing Reye's syndrome if
they take them
they also have a viral infection, such as the flu or
chicken pox.

There are other medicines that contain salicylates,
which are related
aspirin, that you should also avoid. Their link to
Reye's syndrome is
theoretical though. These include:

* Kaopectate
* Pepto-Bismol

The use of Kaopectate is especially confusing, as it
was reformulated
2003 to now contain bismuth subsalicylate, a
non-aspirin salicylate. It
to contain attapulgite, which could be given to
children over age 3.

The new version of Kaopectate, with bismuth
subsalicylate, at first
included dosing instructions for kids over age 3, but
the FDA made them
change the label on April 19, 2004 so that the dosing
instructions only
included children over age 12. Making things even more
confusing, the
version, new version with old label, and the new
version with new
instructions are still all being sold right now.

Although both medications include dosing instructions
for teens, you
follow the warnings and avoid them when your child has
chickenpox or

The use of Pepto-Bismol is confusing too. While it
used to include
instructions for children over age 3, they have been
removed in a
labeling change. The FDA now requires the child dosing
directions be
from the label of all anti-diarrheal products
containing bismuth
subsalicylate, including Pepto-Bismol, so the new
dosing directions
that consumers speak with a doctor before giving
Pepto-Bismol to
under 12.

A new Children's Pepto Chewable Tablet that simply
contains Calcium
Carbonate and can be given to children as young as two
years old makes
giving Pepto-Bismol to kids even more confusing.

Since the associated between aspirin and related
medicines is when
have a viral illness, like chickenpox or the flu, can
you ever give
child any of these medicines?

There are so many alternatives to aspirin, like
ibuprofen and
so most people would say no and they never give their
children and
aspirin. Other people simply avoid aspirin and advise
avoiding products
non-aspirin salicylates when their child has or is
recovering from a
infection with a fever, like the flu or chickenpox,
but would use
like Pepto-Bismol or Kaopectate if their older child
had an upset
stomach or
diarrhea, but didn't have a fever and especially
didn't have chickenpox
the flu.

Also remember that the AAP, in the practice parameter:
The management
acute gastroenteritis in young children, makes the
recommendation that
'as a
general rule, pharmacologic agents should not be used
to treat acute
diarrhea' and that 'the routine use of bismuth
subsalicylate is not
recommended in the treatment of children with acute

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Patty-Viany's Mom-

From: "Jusuf Jaya Kusuma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Subject: [balita-anda] Steven masih mencret...( dah 6 hari ), need advise... thx b4
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 10:36:31 +0700

Dear Parents,

anak ku si Steven dari hari Rabu pagi kemarin sakit mencret... panas n pilek dikit...
untuk panas dan pileknya udah hilang..

hari Rabu : 11 kali mencret, sudah telp dokternya ( rinawati ) disuruh rubah susu nan-ha1 ke susu Nutrilon Soya 2, kaopectate, pediatyle.

hari Kamis : 9 kali mencet, sudah ke dokter ( taufan iskandar ) dikasih racikan AB dan racikan vitamin susu di stop disuruh rubah ke air tajin, bubur saring dan pisang raja.

hari Jumat : 8 kali mencret, sudah gak dikasih susu, rubah ke air tajin, bubur saring dan pisang raja.

hari Sabtu : 2 kali mencret.

hari Minggu : mulai dikasih susu nan ha 1 ( 2 kali 45 ml ), tapi mencret jadi 5 kali.

hari ini  sudah 6 hari, dia mencret... apa selama ini ya klo mencret ?

saya bingung, jadi si Steven musti minum susu apa ya ? sebab susu aslinya nan ha 1, dia tadi malam jam 2 an - 4.30 lapar tidak makan susu, hanya air tajin mulu....

apa setelah sembuh. susu nya bisa balik lagi ya...? atau sudah tidak cocok ya ?

yg payah, 2 dokter tsb di tlp nin gak bisa, dan klo jawab ngga informatif, telp ke hermina, dibilang supaya masuk ke UGD lalu ke Perina lagi ...

kenapa ya kayanya dokter sekarang, kayanya dah gak care sama anak... cuma care sama duit..

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