Mbak Andrie, ijin kasiin link MPnya yah........
ni, empe-nya Mbak Andrie Salima, yg punya 3 cowok kembar ganteng;
IVF is the only solution for us. Why was my fallopian tubes sticked; the
obgyn said mosty because of infection.

*It was not that easy for us, especially for me, as the one who has to do
all the 'hard works' was me.*

*First I was given fertility medications to stimulate ovarian follicle
production to enable the maturation of more than one egg. The eggs are then
retrieved from the ovaries using a thin needle guided by ultrasound. I could
produce up to 12 eggs that time, but there were only 6 eggs fertilizes – 5
are "grade A eggs". Sperm are then collected from an ejaculation and taken
to the IVF lab.*

*"After about 40 hours, the eggs are examined to see if they have become
fertilized by the sperm and are dividing into cells. The cell then begins to
divide into a two, four, six then eight cell embryo over the course of two
to three days. On the third day 4 embryo are placed in the in my womb.
*so... here's preliminary of 'Making The Triplets Part II" -- so that you
all get more understanding of  what is IVF. In Part III, I promise it'll be
my own writing based on my own experiences and I'll include the photos of
the baby triplets (can you imagine 'little' they were????) *

*Have a great day!*

*The IVF Process*
walo dlm inglish, msh bisa buat pembelajaran dan pencerahan kan?

smoga Mbak Andrie berkenan, dan Pak Junaidie terbantu....Amin & Thanks



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Numpang nanyain donk ke milis.....(istri sedang training, jd ga sempat)

Sharing pengalaman bayi kembar (mulai dari kandungan sampai
Dokter dan Rumah sakit rujukan ......................
Thanks buaaaaaannngggggeeettttt loh....


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