Ini mbak sependek penget aku ttg merk2 vaksin MMR
smoga membantu!
Consumer Medicine Information
Single dose vial

Measles, mumps and rubella virus vaccine live
What is in this leaflet
This leaflet answers some common questions about M-M-R
II. It does not
contain all the available information.

It does not take the place of talking to your doctor
or pharmacist.

All medicines and vaccines have risks and benefits.
Your doctor has weighed
the risks of you being given M-M-R II against the
benefits they expect it
will have for you.

If you have any concerns about being given this
vaccine, ask your doctor.

Keep this leaflet with the medicine. You may need to
read it again.

What M-M-R II is used for
M-M-R II is a vaccine used to help protect people from
getting measles,
mumps and rubella (German measles). It should be given
to children 12
months of age or older. However, your doctor may
recommend that M-M-R II be
given to infants between 6-12 months of age in special

Protection against these infections is important as
they can cause serious
problems in some people.

Measles is a serious disease that is very easily
passed from one person to
another. It causes a high fever (temperature), cough
and a rash and lasts
for 1 to 2 weeks. One out of every 10 children who
catch measles will also
have an ear infection or pneumonia. On rare occasions,
measles can also
cause an infection of the brain that could lead to
seizures, hearing loss,
mental retardation, and even death. Babies and adults
who catch measles are
often much sicker for a longer time or are more likely
to die than school
children and teenagers who catch measles.

Mumps is easily passed from one person to another and
causes fever,
headache, and swollen, painful glands under the jaw
(salivary glands).
Mumps can sometimes be a very serious disease and
usually lasts for several
days. Mumps can cause a mild inflammation of the
coverings of the brain and
spinal cord (meningitis) in about one person in every
10 who catch it.
About one out of every 4 teenage or adult males with
mumps will have a
painful swelling of the testicles for several days
(this does not usually
affect their ability to father children). Teenagers
and adults, especially
males, who catch mumps are often much sicker and more
likely to suffer
longer than children do.

Rubella is usually a mild disease that causes a mild
fever, swollen glands
in the neck, pain and swelling in the joints, and a
rash that lasts for a
short time but is very dangerous if a pregnant woman
catches it. Women who
catch rubella when they are pregnant can have babies
who are stillborn, or
have heart disease, blindness, deafness, or problems
with learning.

M-M-R II contains weakened strains of living measles,
mumps and rubella
viruses. These strains of live viruses cause either
mild or no symptoms of
infection. When injected the vaccine causes the body
to produce its own
protection by making disease-fighting substances
(antibodies) against these
infections. If a vaccinated child comes into contact
with measles, mumps or
rubella virus, the body is usually ready, and produces
antibodies to
destroy the virus. However, as with all vaccines, 100%
protection against
measles, mumps and rubella cannot be guaranteed. Also
it may take up to 4-6
weeks for maximum protection to develop, so
occasionally infections may
occur during this time.

The chance of a severe reaction from M-M-R II is very
small, but the risks
from not being vaccinated are very serious.

Before you are given M-M-R II
When you or your child must not be given it
Do not have the vaccine if you have an allergy to
M-M-R II or any of the
ingredients listed at the end of this leaflet.

Do not have M-M-R II if you have a serious allergy to:

the antibiotic neomycin
Do not have M-M-R II if:
you have an infection with fever (high temperature)
you have active untreated tuberculosis (TB)
you are taking medicines which decrease the body's
immune defence system
(eg, corticosteroids, cyclosporin, cancer medicines)
This does not include taking corticosteroids (eg,
cortisone, prednisone) as
replacement therapy for Addison's disease.
you have diseases which decrease the body's immune
defence system, such as
cancers of the blood cells (eg, leukaemia, lymphoma)
and AIDS
Do not have M-M-R II if you are pregnant. Also, do not
become pregnant for
3 months after being given the vaccine.

Do not have M-M-R II if the expiry date on the pack
has passed.

If the vaccine is used after the expiry date has
passed, it may not work.

If you are not sure whether you or your child should
have M-M-R II, talk to
your doctor.

Before you or your child are given it
Tell your doctor if:

You have the following medical conditions or a family
history of them:
febrile convulsions (fits or seizures due to a high
brain damage
You have recently had a blood transfusion
Your doctor may need to delay giving the vaccine for 3
You are breast-feeding
Your doctor will discuss the possible risks and
benefits of you being given
M-M-R II while breast-feeding.
You have any allergies to any other medicines or
vaccines, or any other
substances, such as foods, preservatives or dyes.
If you have not told your doctor about any of the
above, tell them before
you or your child are given M-M-R II.

Taking other medicines
Tell your doctor if you are taking any other
medicines, including any that
you buy without a prescription from your pharmacy,
supermarket or health
food shop.

M-M-R II may not work as well as it should if you or
your child are taking
medicines that decrease the immune system, such as
corticosteroids (eg.
prednisone) or cyclosporin.

Your doctor will advise you if you are taking any of
these or other
medicines that decrease the immune system. Your doctor
will decide whether
or not to give the vaccine.

How M-M-R II is given
How much is given
The dose for children, teenagers and adults is 0.5 mL.

How it is given
M-M-R II is usually injected just under the skin
(subcutaneously) of the
upper arm by a doctor or trained nurse.

The vaccine should not be injected directly into veins

Vaccination schedule
M-M-R II is usually given once to people 12 months of
age or older. If the
vaccine is given to children younger than 12 months
old, a second injection
should be given on or after 15 months of age followed
by revaccination at
the time of primary school entry (4-6 years of age).

For children vaccinated at 12 to 15 months of age or
older, a second dose
is recommended at the time of primary school entry
(4-6 years of age).
Keep a record of your child's vaccinations and update
this after each

Keep your child's follow-up appointment with your
doctor or clinic.

It is important for your child to have the follow-up
dose of M-M-R II, if
indicated, at the appropriate time to make sure the
vaccine has the best
chance of providing protection against measles, mumps
and rubella. The NZ
Ministry of Health recommends the booster dose
currently at 11 years of

If you miss a dose
If your child misses a scheduled dose, talk to your
doctor and arrange
another visit as soon as possible.

Adverse Effects
Tell your doctor as soon as possible if you or your
child does not feel
well during or after having had an injection of M-M-R

M-M-R II helps protect most people from measles, mumps
and rubella, but it
may have unwanted adverse effects in a few people. All
medicines and
vaccines can have adverse effects. Sometimes they are
serious, most of the
time they are not. You may need medical treatment if
you get some of the
adverse effects.

Ask your doctor to answer any questions you may have.

Tell your doctor if you or your child have any of the
following and they
are troublesome or ongoing:
mild burning and/or stinging at the injection site
local reaction around the injection site such as
soreness, redness,
swelling, or a hard lump
fever, feeling unwell, sore throat
dizziness, headache
feeling sick (nausea), vomiting, diarrhoea
unsteadiness when walking
limited rash
swelling of the glands in the neck
swelling of the salivary glands (in front of the ear
and/or under the back
of the jaw)
These are the more common adverse effects of M-M-R II.
For the most part
these have been mild. They usually improve or
disappear within a few days.

Tell your doctor immediately if you notice any of the
rash all over the body
aches or pains in joints, arthritis
bruising or purple spots on the skin
unusual bleeding under the skin
swelling of the testicles
These are serious adverse effects. You may need urgent
medical attention.
Serious adverse effects are rare.

Tell your doctor immediately or go to accident and
emergency at your
nearest hospital if you or your child get any of the
a seizure or convulsion, which may or may not be
accompanied by a very high
headache and fever, progressing to hallucinations,
confusion, stiff neck
and sensitivity to light
pain, numbness, or tingling of the hands, arms, legs
or feet
These are serious adverse effects. You may need urgent
medical attention.
Serious adverse effects are rare.

Allergic Reaction:
As with all vaccines given by injection, there is a
very small risk of a
serious allergic reaction.

Tell your doctor immediately or go to accident and
emergency if you notice
any of the following:
swelling of the face, lips, mouth, throat or neck
which may cause
difficulty in swallowing or breathing
pinkish, itchy swellings on the skin, also called
hives or nettlerash
skin rash, itchiness
If you have these you may have had a serious allergic
reaction to M-M-R II.
You may need urgent medical attention or
hospitalisation. Most of these
adverse effects occur within 15-30 minutes of
vaccination, before you or
your child leave the doctor's surgery or clinic.

Other adverse effects not listed above may also occur
in some people. Tell
your doctor if you notice any other effects.

Do not be alarmed by this list of possible adverse
effects. You or your
child may not experience any of them.

M-M-R II is usually stored in the doctor's surgery or
clinic, or at the
pharmacy. However if you need to store M-M-R II:

Keep it where children cannot reach it.
Keep it in the refrigerator, but not in the door
Protect the injection from light by keeping it in the
original pack until
it is time for it to be given.
Product description
What it looks like
M-M-R II comes as white powder in glass vials. It is
reconstituted with a
special diluent to make a solution suitable for

The active ingredients of M-M-R II are weakened
strains of measles, mumps
and rubella (German measles) viruses.

Inactive ingredients:
hydrolysed gelatin

M-M-R II is supplied in New Zealand by:-
Merck Sharp & Dohme (New Zealand) Ltd,

Tel: 0800 500 673

This leaflet was prepared on 15 June 2004.
CP-MMR-II- 0604 (150604)

(1) Ministry of Health Immunisation Handbook February

®Registered Trademark of Merck & Co Inc., Whitehouse
Station, NJ, USA


Deskripsi Produk Medis/Profesional

TRIMOVAX® adalah kombinasi

vaksin campak, gondong, rubela, mengandung : (1) virus
campak yang
dilemahkan (strain Schwarz), yang di kembangkan pada
sel embrio ayam, (2)
virus gondong (strain Urabe Am9), yang di biakkan
dalam telur ayam, dan (3)
virus rubela (strain Wistar 27/3), yang dibiakkan pada
sel diploid manusia.

Setiap dosis vaksin beku kering mengandung:
- paling tidak "1000 CCID 50" virus campak strain
Swarz dilemahkan;
- paling tidak "5000 CCID 50" virus gondong, strain
urabe Am9 dilemahkan;
- paling tidak "1000 CCID 50" virus rubela, strain
wistar RA 27/3 dilmahkan
- albumin manusia: q.s.;
- pelarut: air untuk injeksi: 0,5 ml.

Untuk pencegahan terhadap campak, gondong, dan rubela.
Diberikan sejak usia 12 bulan.

Penyakit-penyakit infeksi akut, penyakit-penyakit yang
tengah progresif
(akut maupun kronis), imunodepresi yang kongenital
atau didapat (termasuk
infeksi oleh HIV), alergi terhadap protein telur
(reaksi anafilaktik
setelah memakan telur), baru mendapat suntikan
imunoglobulin (lihat
interaksi obat), kehamilan (lihat peringatan), tetapi
vaksinasi selama
suatu kehamilan yang tidak diketahui bukan menjadi
alasan untuk pengakhiran

Jangan disuntikkan secara intravena. Vaksinasi harus
ditunda selama 6
minggu - 3 bulan setelah menerima transfusi darah atau
plasma, atau setelah
mendapat seroglobulin imun dari manusia. Hati-hati
bila digunakan pada
subyek yang mempunyai riwayat alergi terhadap neomisin
atau kanamisin.
Karena mengandung komponen rubela, perempuan
pasca-pubertas yang dicurigai
hamil sebaiknya tidak diberikan vaksin ini. Mereka
dianjurkan agar tidak
hamil selama 2 bulan sesudah vaksinasi.

Karena adanya risiko inaktivasi, vaksin rubela
sebaiknya tidak diberikan
dalam jangka waktu 6 minggu, dan jika memungkinkan 3
bulan, setelah
suntikan imunoglobulin atau tranfusi produk darah yang
imunoglobulin (darah, plasma). Untuk alasan yang sama,
imunoglobulin jangan
diberikan dalam 2 minggu setelah vaksinasi. Subyek
yang sebetulnya
mempunyai hasil tes tuberkulin positif dapat menjadi
negatif setelah
vaksinasi. Untuk menghindari kemungkinan interaksi
dengan beberapa produk
obat, setiap pengobatan yang tengah berlangsung harus
secara sistematik
dilaporkan kepada dokter atau apoteker Anda.

Erupsi kulit dapat terjadi, terdiri bintik-bintik
kecil kemerahan atau
bercak-bercak keunguan dengan bentuk bervariasi.
Vaksin kombinasi ini
ditoleransi dengan baik oleh anak-anak. Reaksi minor
dijumpai sejak hari
ke-5 setelah suntikan: hipertermia, kejang jarang
dijumpai. Adenopati atau
parotitis lebih jarang lagi dijumpai. Kasus neurologis
yang jarang dijumpai
seperti meningitis atau meningo-ensefalitis dan tuli
unilateral pernah
dilaporkan. Meningitis muncul dalam 30 hari setelah
pemberian vaksin, di
mana virus gondong kadang-kadang dapat diisolasikan
dari cairan
serebrospinalis. Pada beberapa kasus yang jarang,
metode identifikasi
berdasarkan amplifikasi virus dan nukleotide dapat
virus yang berasal dari vaksin (strain Urabe AM-9).
Frekuensi meningitis
non-bakterialis yang berkaitan dengan vaksin ini
sangat jarang terjadi
dibandingkan dengan frekuensi meningitis
non-bakterialis yang disebabkan
oleh virus gondong yang didapat secara alamiah (sakit
gondong). Kesembuhan
total tanpa adanya sekuele biasanya terjadi. Kejadian
orkitis yang sangat
jarang pernah dilaporkan. Beberapa kasus
trombositopenia pernah dilaporkan
setelah pemberian vaksin campak-gondong-rubela.
Laporkan kepada dokter/
apoteker Anda bila menjumpai efek yang tidak
diinginkan/ mengganggu yang
tidak tercantum dalam informasi produk ini.

Penyuntikan secara subkutan atau intramuskular. Jangan
disuntikkan secara
intravena. Vaksin dalam bentuk bubuk setelah
dilarutkan menjadi bening,
berwarna kuning sampai merah keunguan. Vaksin yang
sudah dilarutkan harus
segera digunakan. Ikutilah petunjuk dokter Anda dengan
ketat. Sebagai
pedoman umum, suntikan pertama diberikan mulai usia 12
bulan. Suntikan
kedua direkomendasikan antara usia 3 - 6 tahun. (PP
IDAI merekomendasikan
suntikan kedua pada usia 10 - 12 tahun).

1 kotak berisi 1 vial vaksin kering beku + 0,5 ml
pelarut dalam 1 alat

Simpan pada suhu 2 - 8°C. Lindungi dari cahaya. Jangan
lampaui tanggal
kedaluwarsa yang tercantum pada kemasan luar vaksin.

Aventis Pasteur di:

USA Canada Europe France Argentina Japan Turkey
Philippines Mexico Chile

Produk Aventis

Typhim Vi®

Imogam Rabies®

Copyright 2002 Aventis Pasteur Indonesia. All Rights


The immunological efficacy of the combined vaccine
Trimovax intended for
the prevention of measles, mumps and rubella]

[Article in Russian]

Samoilovich EO, Kapustik LA, Fel'dman EV, Ermolovich
MA, Svirchevskaia EIu,
Titov LP, Zakharenko DF,
--- nopi krismayanti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Moms/Dads,
> Mo nanya nich , ada yang tau ga apa aja merk dagang
> MMR di indonesia. Kalo bisa sama penjelasan
perbedaan satu sama
> lainnya.
> thx
> nopi

Uci mamaKavin

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